Angel Crest

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Hi! I'm Angel Crest. I'm 14. I was just reading a book today, and playing with my broze colored hair, when my friend Lisa Falcon grabbed my book and slammed it shut. "Lisa, hand it over," I demanded. "Oh c'mom Angel! You are no fun," she pouted. "Reading is fun," I told her. "Hmph! You're acting to much like Annabeth right now," she said. "Ummm.... Lisa? Who is Annabeth?" I asked, confused. "A friend of mine frm camp, " she shrugged. "So.... can I have my book back?" I asked. She sighed. "Here ya go, Bottomless Black." People called me that because of my eyes. They were black, like a bottomless pit. She handed me over my book. I guess she'll never learn to enjoy reading.

A few months later, Lisa said that her friends and Annabeth were coming to the park and she asked me if I would like to come. I just shrugged. "Sure," I agreed.

I was already at the park when some teens came up to Lisa. She was greeted with some 'sups, some 'hey's, some 'what's up's, and some 'yo's. Lisa dragged me over and introduced me to over 15 people. How does she know so much peole?! They were all very cool, and they had powerful auras around them. Whoops! Lisa is calling me! Gotta go for now! Bye!

(A / N : Thanks to Angels_of_Onyx for this character. Will be updating soon again! Ciao!)

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