Chapter 23- Denki Kaminari (PT. 1)

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Back here at U.A, things...weren't going that good.
"Do you think they're okay?"
"What if they crashed before they arrived?"
"Uraraka, Kirishima, Iida...please be okay.."
Everyone got on their knees and started praying, offering Mineta as the sacrifice. I couldn't help but just stand there, wondering how I became the sensible one.

"Everyone calm down." I said. All heads turned to me. "I'm sure they're all fine."
They waited for me to say more.
"Thats- That's all I have to say." I said.

"He's probably right." Yaomomo said. "We've been acting ridiculously. Have we no faith in our classmates?"

The panicing eased down a bit.

"Of course we believe in them." Mina said, "Iida, Uraraka, and Kirishima are some of the most capable students in Class 1A!

"Yeah they are!" Sero joined in.

"I just can't help but feel useless right now." Tsuyu said.

"What do you mean?" Sero asked.

"While our friends are out there, dealing with the new villain, who we still don't know much about, we're just here, doing nothing." She explained.

"She does have a point." Hagakure said, "but I guess there's not much we can do right now."

"We've already helped them by finding as much information about the villain as we could, AND let's not forget we helped Leo with that teleportation machine." Yaomomo said.

"Yeah, Yaomomo's right."  Mina said.

Just then, a loud BOOM! roared throughout U.A High.
"Wh-what was that?" Mina asked.

Everyone ran outside to see what that loud boom was all about.

"What. Is. Happening." I said as the sky seemed to turn dark.

"Over there!" Jirou said as she located movement, thanks to her quirk. She's so freaking awesome!

She led us through the rising smoke and straight to the center of it.
She stopped abruptly and opened her eyes to look around.
"I- I don't get it, someone should be right here!?" she said this in a panicked tone.

We all tried our best to see through the smoke to find whoever was behind this, but nobody could see or hear anything.

Jiro stuck her left earphone jack into a crack in the floor to try to listen again, but immediately pulled out.

She shrieked in pain as she retracted her earphone jack.

"Jiro! What's wrong!?" I asked her.

She covered her left ear with both hands, but that didn't stop us from seeing the blood dripping down.

"I'm fine you guys," She said, "just a scratch." she said this while trying to hide the pain in her voice.

"What was that just now?" Mina asked.

"Something loud...very loud." Jiro explained.

"But we didn't hear anything." I said.

"It was coming from way underground." Jiro said, "I guess only I heard it, but it was probably about...170 decibels."

"Whats a decibel?" I asked.

Jiro looked at me as if saying "Are you for real right now?"

"A decibel is used to measure sound intensity, dumbass." Jiro said.

"Oh," I said, "Understood!" I smiled and gave a thumbs up, which made her crack a slight smile.

"I hate to interrupt," Yaomomo said, "But Jiro, do you think you can still try to track down the intruder?"

"Well, my left eardrum has taken a toll but I can try." She said. She then used her right earphone jack to locate the intruder.

"Sounds like someone's underground." She started, "Maybe 50, no, 60 feet deep."

"How are we supposed to get all the way down there?" Tsuyu asked.

"Not sure." Jiro answered. She examined the floor carefully, crouching down to feel it. "I wonder..." she said to herself.

"Aha!" she finally said. She lifted a carpeting that resembled the grass we stood upon, revealing a trap door.

"Woah." Sero said, " Nice work, Earphone Jack!"

"Child's play." Jiro responded unfazed.

"So what now?" I asked. "Are we even qualified enough to take on this villain?"

"Don't know unless we try right?" Mina said, "I'm sure we can handle it together!" She stuck her thumb up as a sign of encouragement.

"Hold it." Aizawa-sensei came crawling over like a caterpillar, still in his bright, yellow sleeping bag.  "I can't allow you kids to take this mission on your own, so I will be accompanying you all."

A sense of relief passed through us all, having Aizawa-sensei with us definitely made us feel more confident.

"First things first," Aizawa sensei said, "We'll need some of you to stay up here incase anymore show up above ground. Jiro will be leading, so she's definitely going. I need volunteers to stay up here, and to go below."

"Oh oh! meee!" Mina said enthusiastically, "an underground mission will be totally awesome!"

"For sure!" Sero and I said in unison.

"Since Aizawa sensei will be accompanying those going underground," Yaomomo said, "I will, as president, stay here with the others."

Soon, the class divided into those heading underground, and those staying above.

"Alright then." Yaomomo said, "Earphone Jack, please, lead the way for the others."

"With pleasure." Jirou replied with a smirk.

A/N: Chapter 23 will be split into 2 parts, due to the amount i have to write still. I don't want any chapters to be too lengthy, and i need more space to elaborate on what will happen here at U.A 👀...

So, next chapter will be part 2 in Denki's P.O.V :)

Also, sorry for not updating for so long!

Til next time,

Class 1a takes a trip to Camp Half- Blood حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن