Chapter 21- Will Solace

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I was just minding my own business in the Apollo Cabin when all of a sudden something else landed inside Camp Half-blood's barrier.
"What the-" I muttered to myself.
As whatever it was landed, a gust of smoke arose blocking my view. A strike of panic flowed through me. What is happening outside right now? I try to leave the cabin but am blocked by a huge tree that was uprooted and blown away due to the landing.
I curse. I am not strong enough to to push the tree away on my own. I try to push it with all my strength, it does not budge. I start to kick it in frustration and probably dislocated my toe. I curse even more.

"Damn it!" I yell. I still can't see whats going on outside, which worries me even more. The smoke has definitely been going down now, but still not enough to get a clear view. I worry about my friends, new and old, but especially I worry about Nico.

While they're all out there probably fighting for their lives, I'm stuck here, fighting with a stupid tree for blocking the door.
I look around my cabin, looking for anything that can be useful to help me get out. I try to think of something, anything...but my stupid brain can't think of anything other than Nico.
"I have to go help him." I think, "I have to go help anyone and everyone who's injured."
"I can't get through the door," I say, "So." I look around once more. I spot it. How did I not see this sooner? A window, big enough for me to fit through. I grab my healing kit and a spare crutch. With all my strength, I throw the crutch towards the window. Luckily, it was enough force to break the glass, allowing me to then pass through it. I run through all the smoke, hoping to find the area of battle. I was about to run in the opposite direction when I heard someone say, "Back off!"
It was a voice so calm yet so powerful. One I'd recognize anywhere. It was Nico's voice.

I run towards his voice on instinct, not even hesitating or thinking about what I may find myself getting into. As I get closer, I see three silhouettes start to form. One of which I'm sure is Nico, another behind him with curly hair, and in front...someone tall who I'm unfamiliar with.  Could that be the villain? Is that why Nico is protecting the boy behind him? As I think that, the tall figure lunges forward as if to attack Nico and the boy. But Nico was quicker and summoned an army of dead skeletal soldiers before he could reach them. While the villain was struggling with the skeletons, Nico and the boy dashed away. I ran towards them and tapped Nico's shoulder as I finally caught up to them. I would've thought Nico's first reaction to seeing his beloved boyfriend would be to hug me or kiss me or both, but no. He grabbed my hand and flipped me over his shoulder, smashing my back into to the ground.

"Will!?" Nico said, "what are you-"
"Gee, nothing says love like flipping your boyfriend over your shoulder into the ground." I groaned, teasing him .
"I'm sorry, Will, I just thought you know...the bad guy." Nico said as he helped me to my feet.
"It's okay Death Boy, I was just teasing." I said.
"Don't call me Dea-" Nico started.
I interrupted, "So Izuku, what's up!"
The boy Nico had been protecting was none other than Izuku Midoriya.
"Well you know," Izuku said, "Trying not to die! Nothing new."
As the three of us started running again, we bumped into Bakugo and Kirishima.

"Tch! Of course it'd be you we bump into." Bakugo told Izuku.
"Okay, calm down Bakubro." Kirishima told him.
"Anyways," I said, "Why exactly is this villain going after Izuku?"
"I- I don't know." Izuku replied, "but if he's after me, then surely he'll leave the rest of you alone right?"
"You're not planning to sacrifice yourself for us are you?" Nico asked.
"We wouldn't want you to do that." I told him.
"But then what do you propose we do?" Izuku asks.
Bakugo said, "KILL HI-"
"No." Kirishima said.
"we need a plan." Todoroki says as he emerges from the smoke.
"well i walked over here with my feet-"
"Okayyyyy!" I say cutting them off. "Any plan ideas Todoroki?"
"yes, actually." Todoroki replies, "and you're going to be the star."

A/N: Hey guysss, hope you liked this chapter! I actually really love writing Will's chapters because I feel that he is a very underrated character, but I just love him sm!!! Next chapter will be Kirishima's, and lemme know if you wanna see any more Kiribaku in it! Who am I kidding I'm still gonna put in some Kiribaku anyways. 🙊🙊🙊

Sadly, I think this story is coming to an end. I had hoped to give everyone at least two chapters from their POV, but with the way this story is going, it might finish a lot sooner. But who knows. Maybe it will take up everyone's second chapter? And as I mentioned before, all of this is unscripted so even I don't know how this story will end 🥴

Anyways, I've taken up enough of your time. See you next chapter!


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