Chapter 11- Nico di'Angelo

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What in Hades is going on? I was gone for three days and Piper, Leo and Jason are missing? Also, who are the three new freaks?
"Hey babe!" my boyfriend, Will says as I shadow- travelled into his cabin.
"Sup." I reply.
"How did the trip go, did you get to see your sister?" Will asked.
"Ya, I got to see Hazel, but the rest of SPQR were busy looking for Jason....also who are they?" I said as I pointed towards the new guys.
"Oh!" Will said. "These are Izuku, Bakugo and Todoroki!"
"Sup." I said once more.
"Sup!" said the one Will called Izuku.
"Who the hell are you?" asked the one named Bakugo.
"hey." said the last one, Todoroki.

I could tell by the response that Bakugo gave, that he was the type to act all high and mighty, as if he's better than everyone else. I sat on the bed, took out my scythe and answered his question. "I'm Nico di'Angelo." I told him as I crossed my legs. "I'm a son of Hades, you know, Lord of the dead?" As I said that, I played with the tip of my sword, twisting it around on the tip of my finger. He tch'd and turned his head. (a/n: is tch'd even a word?) I smirked. Too can play this game...who do think invented it?

"Uhhh, okay...calm down, babe." Will said. "Please don't injure them again, I just healed them!"
I glared at Will. He obviously can't tell that I'm just messing with Bakugo.
"Relax Will, I'm good." I said reassuring him.
"Oh, okay, good, that's good." he said.

"So, I suppose you're Will's boyfriend?" asked Izuku.
"Yeah, he mention me?" I smirked at Will. He turned  quickly to continue taking care of Todoroki, but I could see the blush starting to appear across his cheeks. Gods, he's adorable. I didn't want to embarrass him, so I just smirked and kept to myself.

"Oh, Nico!" Will said, clearly remembering something, "Chiron wanted to see you!"
"Now?" I asked
"Yeah, he said for me to tell you as soon as you got back." he replied.
"Okay, well I guess I'll see you guys later then." I said.
As I walked out the door, Izuku yelled, "Oh Nico, I wanted to tour around the place, is it okay if I tag along?"
"I guess it wouldn't hurt." I told him as I shrugged.
He jumped off the bed and slid on his bright red tennis that hurt my eyes just looking at them. He then dashed out the door and stood beside me smiling. He's so full of joy and excitement about everything- kinda reminds me of Will. As we walked to the Big House, his eyes lit up in awe while we passed a couple of regular camp activities.
"Wow!" he would say,"we never did anything like this back home.." Home. He said that word so sad, I could tell he was longing to go back.
After that, we walked in silence for a while.

"Sooo- um, where are you from?" I said trying to ease the awkwardness.
"Musutafu, Japan." He said, still less cheery than usual.
"Oh cool, I'm from Venice, Italy." I replied. "I actually haven't been there for a whi-"
"Nico!" Izuku said. "I just realized..." he clearly wanted to ask something but was holding back.
"What is it?" I asked.
He looked at me, "Do- do you...have a quirk?"
"A quirk?" I asked.
"Ya, you know, like a superpower or something." he continued.
I tapped my chin and thought about it.
"Well, actually, I do have a power" I told him.
His eyes lit up. "WHAT'S YOUR POWER!??" he asked. As he said that, he untucked a white and blue notebook from his shirt. The cover was written in Japanese, so I don't know what the book is for. He then took out a pen, flipped through the book, and looked at me, waiting for me to tell him.

"Uhhh, okayyyy!" I said as I clapped my hands together. "I- uh, I can summon and communicate with the dead...and um, I can shadow travel, which is basically like teleportation but whatever." I continued, "I can blend in with shadows, I can sense when someone has died, I can force people into a death sleep by pointing at them-"
"You can do what now?" said Izuku.
I ignored him and continued with my list of known powers. "I can also cause powerful tremors, talk to ghosts, I can tell when someone's in the Underworld, I can control dark energy, shadow travel others but only if i'm touching them, I can control the souls of the Underworld....and that's about it I think." I said.
Izuku was having a hard time keeping up.
"So basically...your powers are linked to death, souls and spiritual things?" he said while writing in his notebook.
"Ya, basically." I replied.
Just as he finished writing, we arrived at the Big House. Chiron, Annabeth, Percy and Grover were on the porch, talking and discussing something.

"Ah, Nico, we've been waiting for you." said Chiron.

A/N: 860 WORDS!! Oh my goodness, this was the long chapter I promised you guys, and I had so much fun writing it. I really love Nico, and I was super excited about going over all his powers! I never realized how powerful of a demigod Nico really is!! And of course, I had to give Deku his notebook back 😋💕

My school has officially closed for Spring Break, so I had a lot of time to work on this chapter.

I have also been thinking about writing a sequel to what I think would/should happen after the fanfic, In Another Life by Littleluxray! What do you think?

Anyways, pls vote if you like this chapter and I will be posting the other chapter next Tuesday!!

Sa- yo- na- ra! 💕✨

Class 1a takes a trip to Camp Half- Blood Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon