"You have an elevator in your house? That's so cool." I confessed, excitedly.

"Sì, it is," was all he said before we stepped into the elevator and we went up to the third floor.

We made it to a room that I am guessing is mine because he is opening the door for me.

I walked in and wow, it's beautiful. A queen-sized bed is placed in the middle of the room with night stands on either side. A tv hung on the wall, but a tv stand lies underneath it with decor. I walked in more then opened another door, a huge closet rested behind the door, it was empty but still cool. I walked to the other door and it was a bathroom, one sink, and a huge vanity mirror, a single toilet, and a single rack of towels- wait! Is that a detachable shower head?!

Yes sir!

"So fucking cool!" I yelled a little too loud, I heard Enzo laugh from outside the bathroom and it made me blush.
This bathroom only had a shower which is cool because I only take showers, anyways, I walked back into the room with a wide smile on my face.

"Do you like it?" Enzo asked me as he stood in the door way with a smirk on his face, probably from my reaction.
I shook my head "no" which made his smirk fade.

I laughed at his reaction before smiling.
"I FUCKING LOVE IT, thank you!!" I yelled jumping up and down like a little kid.

Wait! Didn't I get fucking kidnapped? I'm so fucking crazy...fuck!

He chuckled and placed his hands into his pocket.

"You are very welcome, Bellissima, There are nightclothes on the bed. Change and come down stairs so we can eat." He said before walking out.

I gathered the clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. There was an extra toothbrush and undergarments there as well.

I got out of the shower, I lathered lotion on my body, I put on my clothes, and left for down stairs after deciding I'm going to walk around in my socks.

When I walked into the dinning room everybody's eyes was on me. Zuri, Ty, Elijah, Raven, Enzo, and a girl I don't even know was sitting at the table.

"Hi, I'm Lexi" the girl said, extending her hand towards me which I shook.
"Bonnie" I said, smiling .

I sat by Zuri and Ty.

"So, now that everybody is here I want you to be aware of the changes that's going on around here. Bonnie, Zuri, and Ty will be staying with us for a while, and if you have a problem with that speak now." Enzo said in a boss tone.

Nobody said anything which wasn't really a surprise.

"Okay, Laura we are ready." Enzo said. Laura and the other maids started putting food on the table while I was talking to Ty.
After getting served our food we all began to dig in.

"Oh. My. Gosh this is so good." I said stuffing my face, which made Lexi start laughing.

"You've never had Italian food before?" Lexi questioned with a smile on her face

"I had pasta, but that's really it." I said after saying that they all stared at me.

"You've never had Italian food before?" Elijah said surprised and shocked.

Kidnapped in ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now