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I woke up when the alarm went on. It's 6:00AM and school starts at 9AM. I didn't feel like wake up but I take forever before I get ready for school. I hate school, it's the worst school ever. All I have to deal with, all the bullshit and shit that's going on, there's no one that cares about me. I don't have any friends except Johnnie in the school, we don't have the same classes because he's one year older and goes to other classes.

I hear someone coming up the stairs, someone started banging on the door. ''Alex! I have a suprise for you!'' I hear Johnnie scream. ''Why is he awake so early?'' I think. Wait what, he never gives me any gifts, well I guess I have to go and see what it is. I got up fast, put on some sweatpants and a Ghost Town band shirt. I opened the door and saw Johnnie standing in front of me, he gave me a hug and took me downstairs.

He took me outside into the garage and when I opened my eyes I could'nt believe my eyes. ''Suprise!'' Johnnie says. I can't believe it, it's a car. Have I got my own car? ''Did you bought me a car?'' I asked Johnnie. ''Yeah, so you don't have to walk or take the bus to school and other places anymore, good huh?!'' He says back. ''It's amazing, thanks Johnnie!'' I say back. ''No need :)'' He says. ''Did you pay it yourself?'' I asked. ''Yeah, well kind of. Bryan helped me get some money'' he says. ''Oh cool, thank you'' I say. He replies with a smile.

We went back inside and Johnnie made some hot chocolate. ''Hey Johnnie'' I say, ''Yeah Alex?'' he says. ''Can I borrow your headphones?'' I ask. ''Sure, I don't need them anyway'' He says and smiles. ''Thanks'' I say. He gives me the headphones and went to the kitchen. I went upstairs and got clothed and fixed. I still have some scars on my arm from the cuts I made a couple of months back. I look miserably at them and put on a jacket. I looked for my phone but I couldn't find it. I went downtairs. ''Have you seen my phone?'' I asked Bryan. ''No, ask Johnnie'' He replies. I went to find Johnnie, he was in the yard sitting by the pool doing something with his hand, what were he doing. ''Have you seen my phone?'' I asked. ''Alex, we need to talk.'' He says quiet. ''Yeah, what is it?'' I replie. I went to him and sat down next to him. I saw that he was holding my phone.

''What is this messages?'' he asks. Shit he found out the internet bullies. ''Nothing...'' I replie a bit sad. ''It's something, who are these people who write hate to you, how did they get your number?'' he asks, ''There's just people at the school, nothing to worry about'' I lied back. ''It can't be this way anymore, this needs to stop'' he says. ''Whatever.'' I replie. ''Alex, look at me'' he says. I looked at him until he leaned to kiss me. I pushed him away. ''What's wrong?'' he says. ''Nothing, i'm just not in the mood right now.'' I replie sadly. ''I'm sorry Alex.'' he says, ''Nah, it's fine.'' I replie. We stand up and goes back inside. I went upstairs to get my bag and go to school. All I can think about is the kiss, why did he do that? Does he have a crush on my? There's so many questions about it.

I felt like walking to school today so I walked, Johnnie walked with me so I didn't feel so alone walking to school. When I got to the school I saw that my classes today were canceled so I went to Johnnies locker and waited for him to come. I saw Johnnie comig towards me. ''Hey, what's up?'' he asks, ''My classes were canceled today so I didn't know what to do so I came here'' I replie. As I don't have any friends and neither does Johnnie in school I'm usually alone or with Johnnie when I have breaks. ''Well if you want to I can skip my classes today and be with you, only if you want to.'' he says, ''I guess, can we go to Walmart and get some Peace Tea?'' I ask. I love Peace Tea, I love it so much. I'm addicted to it and there's like nothing I love more than Peace Tea. ''Yeah sure, let's go'' he replies. I replie with a smile.

We took the bus to Walmart or less we had to walk really long and neither of us felt like walking like a 100 miles. When we got to Walmart we had to get some food for today to, the fridge is almost emtpy at home. I went to get some Peace Tea and Johnnie started looking for stuff to eat later. I never eat so I don't have to take a part of bying food or anything. I somehow just don't like food. I met Johnnie at the tills so he could pay for the food.

We took a taxi home and then I went to my room, today was my turn to make a YouTube video on My Digital Escape but I didn't know what to talk about. I went down to see if Johnnie had any ideas of what I could talk about but he didn't know either. It's hopeless, well almost hopeless. I wondered for a while until I got the idea of talking about what kind of music I like or like what kind of bands I listen to or whatever, that sounded like a good idea, kind of. I got the camera and started filming myself and talk about what kind of bands I like. When I were done I heard Bryan yell something, ''Johnnie, Alex come downstairs, there's something going on I don't know what but there's cops that wants to talk to Alex!'' I hear Bryan yell. I looked out the window and saw cops outisde our house. I went downstairs and asked what was going on. ''Alex, the cops wants to talk to you'' Johnnie says. I'm so confused.

Alex Dorame/MyDigitalEscape Fan-FictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon