This was it for me, I can't act more.

" Whats with the Accent? " Zara asked

" Well, someone called her in the same accent around 4 days back " Jovi told them

I was just sitting there blushing, I mean there is no need to blush but I was smiling showing my all teeths wide.

After that Jovi told them everything and the whole ride they chanted, yelled, shouted and teased " Nan-dii-Niiii " again and again

While I blushed like anything asking them to " shut up "

Finally the teasing torture came to an end when we reached our destination.


After having delicious yet expensive meal, I realised I'm officially broke. Other than 200 bucks in my pocket, I don't have a Penny more

Seeing that its the month end, I had to manage, again.

Anyways I don't want to start crying over this issue. So, the thing is I ate Pizza and Momos

My all time favourite food.

" Ok then, off to our next destination " Jovi yelled looking excited because her boyfriend will be joining us now

" Where are we going? " I asked

" Club, baby. Club " Zara shouted in my ears

" First thing Why you have to shout always? and second , I don't want to go to any club. Lets just walk, its so peaceful over here " I said and they all glared at me

Not wanting to go to club have many reasons like, the moment we will enter, my all friends will ditch me for some unknown stranger. Second its way too loud and third, I love walking in night

" Because of you, I ate Pizza and that momos, now you have to come to club and come on, its gonna be fun babe " Divya said pulling my arms

" lets just walk and also I'm not 18 until next month" I said remembering that I'm not 18 yet.

" Look what I got for you? " Jovi said smirking showing her hands, I looked confusingly only to see a Fake ID.

My whining face immediately turned into excited one, Wow

" Yes. Yes. Yes, I have been waiting for this day. lets go. lets go " I said jumping up and down seeing the ID.

" I told you, no need to do any drama, just show her this " Jovi said to Divya which make her roll her eyes

Ofcourse, I am happy not because I'm going to a club but because, I'm going to a club by using fake ID. I just love these small adventures.



Now, I got to know why they say noise pollution is increasing with a speed of 37x per day because I'm standing at the very place who contributes in noise pollution.

The two things which I could feel here is
People, all I could see was people. Drunk, sober, Spoilt, In love, In lust, Alone, Confused, Free, all kind of people

And noise, screaming, yelling, blasting music, laugh, crying, moaning all Kind of noise

My entry was amazing, I acted like I'm someone who knows everything and hold so much of experience. Zara pinched me a little saying " don't do overacting. Just shut your mouth "

I shrugged my shoulder and continued my acting, the bouncer checked my ID and my face for like 4 times.

Well, it was a thrilling experience!

Perpetual InfatuationWhere stories live. Discover now