My eyes followed the trail of decay, noting the still flaming Blue flames that were licking at the top of the Maple leaves. 

 Which was probably why I didn't see him at first. 

 Like a scene from the Crucifixion of Jesus, was Hades himself. 

He was battered and bloodied, the blue flames licking at his skin. 

 From the way he wasn't moving or trying to free himself, I could tell that he was unconscious. 

He wasn't dead...yet...that was for sure.

I paused at the sight, surprised at seeing him in such a state. 

While it was difficult injuring a God, and even harder killing one... it wasn't totally impossible. 

What was impossible was to make a God like Hades, one of the Original Three, look like he was on death's door. 

There was an internal battle in me as I watched him hang there. 

To save or to not save. 

That was the big question of the day. 

Hades was a lying and deceiving bastard but... he was also my father...Unfortunately. I would have left him up there to rot if Serenity's face hadn't popped up in mind at that exact moment, giving me a disapproving face at my decision. 

With gritted teeth and a flick of my wrist, I shrunk the Japanese Maple down to the size of a bonsai tree. 

Hades crashed face first to the floor, his body sprawling out onto his stomach. 

He made not move to get up so I nudged him with the tip of my shoe. 

His skin sizzled at my touch. 

Still No Movement. 

"He'll live" I concluded after I finished looking over his visible surface wounds "Now let's find the Queen." 

I lifted my hand and more Nightshade slithered in from the entrance of Persephone's garden. 

They spread out through the whole garden and it soon looked like there was more nightshade than Persephone's dead exotic flowers. 

When they stopped at a spot beneath where the Japanese Maple once lied, I frowned.  

He wouldn't have...

I snorted at my doubt. 

Of course he would have.

I knelt down and placed my hands on the ground, closing my eyes as I did so. 

I listened to the earth, noting the usual hum of the organisms as well the steady beat of the earths core. 

What I found confirmed my suspicions. 

 In addition to the usually hum of the earth was a slow but faint thump of a heartbeat. 

I stood and let out a sarcastic laugh.

He buried her. 

My piece of shit brother buried alive. 

Unlike with Hades, I raised my hand and immediately the earth beneath my boots began fracturing in two as I brought Persephone's body to the surface. 

When her head poked out through the damp scorched earth, I knelt down and felt for a pulse. 

She was clearly breathing and like Hades, was unconscious too. 

Shadow appeared at my side, growling down at the broken Monarchy. 

I glared at him "Glad that you finally decided to grace us with your presence." 

Shadow growled and nudged Persephone's limp hand, questioning how Cerberus could have done this with powers he couldn't possibly have acquired without all of us knowing. 

"Fetch the brothers" I ordered him "They need to know about these recent developments." 

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