Prologue - Part 1: Comeback

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A/N: Book 3 is here! The daily updates will start tomorrow! I hope you enjoy this book as well, I'm very excited for this season, so, let me know your thoughts!

"Hey!" Diana smiled brightly as soon as she pulled the door to her bedroom open. "I didn't know you were coming. Actually, I didn't know you were around..."

At her words, Allison sighed a little, standing in front of her best friend's door, almost bashfully as Diana frowned quietly.

"I didn't know I'd ever come back around either, to be fair." She shrugged, as Diana smiled again. "I just came back a few hours ago and I was helping my dad move a few things around."

"Oh, you're moving?" Diana asked.

"Yeah." Allison nodded. "We bought a new apartment downtown. After... Everything, we weren't sure we would want to keep living in the same house."

"That's fair." Diana nodded. "But if you bought a new apartment, that means you're staying? I mean... You're not gonna move to France forever, right?"

"Yeah." Allison smiled a little. "Yeah, I'm staying."

"Oh, that's so great!" Diana practically squealed, pulling Allison into her room as she closed the door after them and sat with the brunette in her bed. "I'm so glad you're staying."

"Yeah, I mean... I had to promise dad I'd stay clear from all the supernatural stuff this year, but... I kind of think it's for the best..." Allison mumbled, as Diana nodded her head a little, in quiet understanding. "But how was your summer?"

"Oh, it was fine." Diana shrugged. "I bet it wasn't half as interesting as yours since you've spent the last few months abroad, but... I mean, Lydia and I went shopping, went to a few parties with Danny, Stiles would show up here every once in a while to show me something new he found in his deep dives in crime cases or supernatural creatures... All pretty basic, to be honest. But most of my summer I spent with my mom, actually. She was thinking about going back to college."

"Really?" Allison asked.

"Yeah." Diana nodded. "She said she didn't want to be a decorator anymore, so she and I spent the last few weeks trying to find her a new course she could take."

"And did you?"

"Yeah." Diana smiled. "She wants to be a teacher now."

"Really?" Allison smiled as well. "That sounds awesome. Honestly, I wish I had a teacher like your mom. She's so nice."

"Yeah, I think she'll be good at it too." Diana nodded. "She's starting her classes the same day we are."

"That's great for her." Allison said. "But I've heard Jackson moved? Is Lydia okay?"

"She's okay now." Diana nodded. "She was sad for a while when Jackson moved with his parents to England, but she's definitely better now."

"Good." Allison nodded. "I should... Hum, I should probably go visit her too. And what about... What about everyone else?"

At this question, Diana smiled sadly, shrugging her shoulders a little as she spoke.

"Scott is fine." She said, causing Allison to look down at her hands for a moment. "He was a little upset at the start of summer vacation. Well, a little more than a little. But Stiles says he's okay now. And last time I talked to him, he seemed to be okay. Are you... Going to visit him too?"

"I... Don't think so." Allison shook her head. "And I think it'd be best if he didn't know I'm here."

"You do know you go to the same school, though, right?" Diana asked, as Allison sighed.

"I'll cross that bridge when it comes to it." She shrugged. "And, hum... Do you... Do you know anything about... Boyd? And Erica?"

"Not really." Diana shook her head. "No one's really from them for a while. And not about Isaac either."

Diana watched the way Allison nodded, her eyes looking down at her lap, as the blonde sighed before reaching over and grabbing her hand in hers.

"It's okay, you know?" Diana said, as Allison lifted her eyes to meet hers. "I mean, you did lose your mom, Allison, and your grandfather used that to brainwash you into blaming Derek for it. So, really... It was no surprise that you snapped like that. I don't blame you."

"That's because you weren't the one I shot a thousand arrows against." Allison said.

"Maybe not." Diana shrugged. "But I know you. And even if I had been... If I had known you'd done that when you weren't really you... I wouldn't have blamed you."

"You're just saying it." Allison said, her voice cracking as Diana shook her head.

"No." She said. "I'm not. Because the Allison I know, my best friend Allison... I know she wouldn't have done that if it hadn't been for her psychotic grandfather,"

Allison chuckled then, throwing an arm around Diana's shoulders as she pulled the blonde in for a hug.

"Oh, I've missed you so much." She whispered, as Diana smiled. "You make me feel happy I came back."

"That's good." Diana nodded. "Because I actually am really happy you came back." 

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