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" I love to annoy her and Kushal so much and you don't all saint if you wanted you could also talk in between but you didn't" He said.

"Yeah even I wanna annoy them" I said and we laughed and drove to my house.

In the car we were literally jamming to the songs singing the lyrics out loud and enjoying our ride. Tonight I just wanted to enjoy this moment with my friends.


We reached my home and waiting for Shefali and Kushal,  we both were laughing thinking how those both idiots would be so scared. We were laughing thinking about Kushal. Poor guy.

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door, Sidharth went to open the door, I sat there with a sad face. Sidharth opened the door looking all sad and serious. Shefali and Kushal rushed into the house as soon as Sidharth opened the door. 

"What happened Sid, Is Shehnaaz fine?" Shefali asked, I was sitting in the living room, while they were still standing near the door.

"I am sorry Shef" Sidharth said with a sad voice. I was literally controlling my laugh.

"What do you mean by you are sorry, What happened to Shehnaaz?" Kushal asked. Sidharth didn't reply anything. I think he was just pretending to be sad.

"Where is she?" Kushal asked.

"Inside" Sidharth replied. They both barged into living room.

They both looked at me, I looked back at them with a sad face, they were really worried, they both came and sat beside me.

"What happened Shehnaaz? Why are you sad?" Shefali asked. I didn't reply anything I just looked away and said "Please leave I don't want to talk about it"

"Did Sidharth say anything, did you guys have a fight" Kushal asked. As reply I just looked at Sidharth. Kushal went near Sidharth being really angry.

"What the hell did you do?" Kushal asked Sidharth being really angry. Sidharth didn't reply. "Sidharth what happened why were you saying sorry, what did you do?" Kushal asked again raising his voice.

"I did something that you guys couldn't" Sidharth said.

"What did you do?" Shefali asked.

"Convince Shehnaaz to stay here, to move back to India" He said with a smile. Shefali and Kushal turned towards and I smiled at them.

"This dumbo is going to stay with us, she is not going to leave us" Sidharth said.

"Not another nickname" I said glaring at Sidharth. Shefali an Kushal hugged me tightly.

"I am so happy, its such a great news" Shefali said. She had tears in her eyes. And then she looked at Sidharth glaring.

"So you just make a fool out of us" She said glaring at him. She went near him and started hitting him. 

"Shef wait even this dumbo was part of this it's just not me, please stop hitting me" He said. I was glaring at him.

"You both are idiots, who makes joke about this, you how sacred I was. You guys have no sense" Shefali said while her eyes were tearing up, and slowly tears were falling down. Kushal just went hugged her.

"It's okay, don't cry" Kushal said while hugging her. Sidharth also went and hugged her and said "Don't cry shef, I am sorry okay" Sidharth said. After a minute Shefali stopped crying. All of us sat down.

"Are you okay?" Kushal asked shefali.

"I am fine" She replied.

"What happened Shefali these days your mood is so unpredictable as if you are pregnant" Sidharth said casually. Shefali and Kushal looked shock, and then looked at each other and were having silent conversation through their eyes.

"Omg Shef are you really pregnant" Sidharth asked. Shefali and Kushal looked at both both us, we both were looking at them waiting for a reply, they both looked each other. Kushal cleared his throat.

"Actually guys, we got to know yesterday that we are going to be parents"  Kushal said with a small smile.

"Congratulations" I said and hugged both Kushal and Shefali, even Sidharth joined the hug. We all were so happy. We stayed like that for some time and then all of parted and sat on the sofa.

"Did you guys informed your parents" I asked.

"We didn't yet, we have to and we need to push the wedding date" Kushal said.

"Its okay everything is going to be fine" Sidharth said.

"Yeah hopefully" Shefali said.

"Today we got two great news I am so happy" Sidharth said genuinely smiling.

"Guys but we have to leave now, Shefali needs to rest and we have called our parents and asked them to come tomorrow" Kushal said.

"Ok fine. But we are gonna celebrate soon, after everything is sorted" Sidharth said.

"Yeah sure" Kushal said. We all hugged and soon Kushal and Shefali left. I and Sidharth sat outside in the garden. He was smiling. And after a long time I was so happy.

"By the way, you never convinced me to stay" I said by breaking the silence.

"Maybe not literally convinced you but I am the reason you want to stay back" He said smiling.

"And who you told that you are the reason, you are definitely not the reason" I said. He pulled my chair towards him. We both were sitting opposite to each other, we were so close to each other, I suddenly got really nervous.

"I am damn sure that you are lying" Sidharth said, whispering in my ear, his beard was touching my cheek, suddenly my breath got uneven. Slowly he placed a kiss on my cheek. I looked at him shocked, he looked at smiling. 

I pulled myself out. I dragged my chair behind and formed some distance between us, a small laugh left Sidharth's mouth. I looked every where except.

"I am not lying. I decided to stay in India because I just wanted, and even Chachu is interested to stay India, that's all, you are definitely not the reason" I said.

"You can keep on lying to yourself Shehnaaz, but I know I am definitely the reason, soon even you will confess about your feelings to me" Sidharth said. I looked at him in shock.

"There is nothing left for me to confess Sidharth, I have no feelings. So please don't waste your time" I said.

"I don't believe you Shehnaaz, and even if you don't have any feelings for me. I will make sure you do again" Sidharth said.

"Why are you even interested in me, when you have your Meera with you" I said getting really irritated. He smiled.

"Seriously after being jealous of Meera you are telling me that you have no feelings for me?" Sidharth asked smirking. 

I looked away not replying. He got up and said "Just so you know Meera is just my friend, or I can say that she kind of like my little sister, there is nothing between us" He said.

I didn't dare look back at him, though I was really happy to know that there is nothing between him and Meera. Sidharth moved to go.

"Shehnaaz please don't lie to yourself" He said and left.







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