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"Even I thought she was the stalker, she was the one who use to scare me. But she wasn't the one. I got to know that after my parents died. Just after three days of my parents death, it was just me and Chachu were there, in midnight we heard sounds and I started to get those texts and I showed my Chachu those, this time it migically didn't get deleted, Chachu was sitting right beside me, I guess that stalker tought it was just me in the house and Chachu some how caught him. Then I saw him. I saw the stalker" I said.

"Who was it Shehnaaz?"



After a long summer break, we are again back to college. I really enjoyed the summer. At first week I went to Goa with Shefali, Kushal and Sidharth and unfortunately Aarthi. I just hate her so much. Her whole facebook is filled with her's and Sidharth's pictures together. 

The whole I was feeling really Jealous and insecure I mean I did enjoy the trip but in the trip I was kind of understanding few stuff. Sidharth is really popular in college, he has always been that guy in the room who gets everybody's attention.

And I realised that we are so different, that doesn't change anything, but it's just I am not really comfortable with attention he gets from women, It's not he likes them it's just I can't just stop myself about the situation.

Throughout the summer my insecurities have taken over my brain, and when I saw the comments for Aarthi's picture with Sidharth, that made me even more jealous. 

I am rightnow in my 2nd year, great I am no more a junior. I am atleast happy about one thing that this whole I never got bugged by this stupid stalker guy. That left me so paranoid tough.

The classes were done, and days were passing by. And that stalker started annoying more, I told this to Shefali as well but when I was trying to show that this is true, but everything use to just vanish. 

I tols Kushal as well, but none was them really saw anything that can prove that it was true. I told my parents about it and my dad started to stay nights at home and my mom was doing night shifts. My dad also installed a camera. 

After that I was kind of felt at piece but those random message did not stop. I even changed my number, I deleted my facebook account, but those message were not stopping. My dad was really worried about me, as I was being paranoid at nights. Always scared, my dad even appointed a watchmen. There were lot of times I still got those threats and I lot of times felt that someone was around me, and looking at me. I was so scared to even stay in my own house.

That feeling of being watched all the time is horrible, because of this I and Sidharth are also wasn't really hanging out that much. I wasn't really hanging out with any of those. In college kind of everybody knew that Sidharth and I are together. 

And for new reason people started to pass some nasty comments on  me. Laughing on me when I was walking in collidors. Everybody made me a third person, Aarthi kind of made the person who got in between her and Sidharth. She use to spread these rumors in college. And all her friends use to annoy me. 

I told this to Sidharth about it. He just said "Aarthi told me that it wasn't her fault she never told anyone that, those people are wantedly making this up". 

I wasn't really happy with his answer but, I didn't know how make him understand this is affecting me so much. I was really scared that I might loose Sidharth. I saw that these days he was hanging out with Aarthi a lot these days.

It's not his wrong to hangout with her. She is the same batch as Sidharth is and when his class is hanging out together he doesn't really get to choose whom to come. As she is his classmate and she anyways finds way to be around him. 

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