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"Don't feel bad Sana he is just feeling bad that you didn't even talk to him before you left. And by the way, it was his idea for you to stay here." She said with a smile, I smiled back at her. "So how is your live-in relationship. How is it going?" I asked. "It's great. Listen Sana I will call you later. You pack and call me before you board the flight, I will pick you up don't worry." She said. "Okay see you soon," I said and cut the call. I started packing my bags with so many thoughts. There are so many relations I need to mend once I go back so much to say. So much to listen to.

Life is unpredictable. I just hope I don't hurt the people I love I don't want them to get hurt because of me. I did hurt Kushal and Shefali by my decision by not telling them. I should just care about them who love me not about someone who never cared about my feelings.


I started packing my stuff. More than packing I made the whole room a big mess, My Chachu stepped inside my room.

" When did you come? " I asked.

"If you keep music volume this high, I don't think you will be able to hear anything. First, reduce the volume." He said.

"I got Pizza for dinner," He said. "Cool," I replied. "What is this mess?" He said looking at room condition. "Don't judge Chachu I am trying to pack."

Somehow, I completed my packing. We both came downstairs and sat on the couch resting our leg's on the table. My Chachu kept pizza in the microwave to heat it.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He asked. "No" I replied scrolling down on my phone. "Okay I will get myself a drink," He said and left and got himself a whiskey. He placed the bottle on the table he again went back and got pizza.

"Whole bottle huh? Old man, you are not allowed to drink the whole thing." I said looking at him. "I am doctor Shehnaaz I know how much to drink." He said while pouring some whiskey in a glass and taking a sip. "Yeah even after being a doctor you still don't care about your health," I said. "I am not allowing you to drink that much," I added while looking at him we both took a slice of pizza.

"Just for tonight anyways you will leave me tomorrow." He said while sipping his drink with a sad face. I went and sat beside him and hugged him "Chachu I will be gone for six months that's it afterward I will come back to you." I said. He also hugged me back and placed a kiss on my forehead. "It's just a matter of time then you will be gone, you will find some guy, you will marry him then this old man will miss his little princess." He said I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"Nothing going to happen like that don't worry I am never going to leave you. I don't want to get married" I said. "You need to because I want you to get married. Listen Shehnaaz it's been seven years I want you to move on in your life there is this guy. one of your father's colleague's son he is an Indian. He is also a doctor he is very good he is in India right now he is working over there; he is a surgeon they were looking for a girl for their son and they called me sent a proposal." He said.

"No way Chachu no way I am not going to marry anyone I don't even know that guy," I said getting up from the couch. "Listen there is no pressure you are anyways going to India meet him, talk to him know him better, and then tell me your decision. "He said.

"But marriage is a big commitment I am not sure I am ready for it," I said. "You know what your problem isn't about getting married your problem is letting go of that guy whom you still love now don't even deny because I know you still love him that's why you aren't giving anybody any chance in your life." He said

"Yes, you love him that's why you are not allowing anyone to enter in your life and you even hate him that's why you're staying as far as possible from him." He added. I am just standing there listening to Chachu because I know whatever he saying is the truth but I am not sure what to reply.

He came near me "This time end things properly and move on with your life. That is what you need to do right now." He said and left to his room to sleep. I took the half-empty whiskey bottle and switched on the TV and kept some random Hindi music channel and started to drink. After completing the half-empty bottle, I went upstairs and went inside my room after switching off all the lights in the house. I threw myself on the bed. I could feel a few tears falling from eyes I don't know when I dozed off.

The next day afternoon I woke up at 1 in the afternoon, I still had a lot of time for my flight I went downstairs and made myself some coffee. I was sipping my coffee in the living room sitting on the couch. I saw my Chachu coming back from work.

"Good you woke up so all ready to leave, packing and all.?" He asked. "Yeah everything is done," I said. "Chachu I will meet that guy," I said. He just looked shocked. He came near me and kissed me on my forehead "Thank you so much beta I will call them and tell that guy to meet you." He said. "Slow down not so fast let me at least settle over there then I will meet him," I said. 

"Whenever you want to, I am just happy that you are considering it at least." He said.

He looked extremely happy, I don't know about me but I am happy to see my old man happy. After all, he is all I got. I am just meeting that guy not like I am marrying him I will just meet him. If we hit it off then it's great. If not then we will just be good friends.

I don't know when the day passed it was finally time to go to the airport, I got ready in black jeans with a white crop top with a blue denim jacket on top of that I paired it with white sneakers. I and my Chachu soon reached the airport we got all my stuff. It was time to say bye to my Chachu who was in tears.

"Chachu why are you crying. When I was in India, we both use to meet once or twice a year it's just for 6months I will just come back like this without you even noticing it." I said. "These seven years you were with me in these seven years you never left me for this long. That's why I am just a little emotional. But remember I am always the cool Chachu." He said. I hugged him. "Be safe my little princess. And remember your Chachu always loves you." He said.

"Be safe. And call me once you reach there." He said. "I love you Chachu," I said and left. I could see my Chachu waving until he is out of my sight. I sat inside the flight with a heavy heart. After a long flight to India with so many thoughts, I landed.

After completing all the formalities, I came out I was searching for my bestie Shefali I knew it she is as usually always late. After seven years I missed India. Mainly the street food I was in my deep thoughts when I heard someone calling my name. It was Shefali, I went towards her and hugged her tightly then I saw Kushal standing just a few steps away from us. I didn't care about his anger or his being upset with me. I just went and hugged him tightly I missed him so much I missed my brother so much. I could feel tears flowing from my eyes.

Even he hugged me back I was so happy. "Stop crying Sana," He said rubbing my back. "And I am still angry with you I didn't forgive you yet." He said with a smile. I broke the hug and we all left with a smile after a long I was genuinely smiling.

I knew that I need to tell so much to Kushal and he will surely be angry with me and Shefali for hiding this from him. But for now, the whole ride was filled with laughter. And I went to Kushal and Shefali house.







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