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Even he hugged me back I was so happy. "Stop crying Sana," He said rubbing my back. "And I am still angry with you I didn't forgive you yet." He said with a smile. I broke the hug and we all left with a smile after a long time I was genuinely smiling.

I knew that I need to tell so much to Kushal and he will surely be angry with me and Shefali for hiding this from him. But for now, the whole ride was filled with laughter. And I went to Kushal and Shefali house.


After seven years, I missed everything I missed my friends I missed my life here, I miss my parents I miss the feeling of home. This place just makes me remember my parents. My life was so good back then. No problems no worries, I was so happy. Now no matter how much I try that secret broken piece that is hidden inside in my heart just comes out and again makes me remember everything.

That day in the hospital when I saw my parents fighting for their lives I was sitting there and that moment I felt how scared I was, never in my life I felt so helpless and lonely. When I got to know that they weren't with me anymore.

I just didn't know what to do, didn't knew what to say. I didn't even cry I just didn't. Not even a single tear came out of my eyes. I was completely numb. The whole night I sat there till my Chachu came from the US. I just sat there even when all the rituals were taking place I never cried. I never wanted to say Goodbye. I never wanted them to go. For three days I didn't talk.

I was so scared if I talk, people would give condolences for my loss. I didn't want to hear the truth that they were gone, that they aren't with me anymore. Yeah, I love living in a fake world that I made for myself then reality. At least in that, I am happy.

I was on my room balcony staring at the busy city. I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around to see who it was. It was Shefali. She handed me over a cup it was coffee. I so needed it. She stood beside me starting outside.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked taking a sip from her cup.

"Nothing, It's just I guess I am feeling a bit nostalgic," I said with a smile.

"You were thinking about Uncle and Aunty right." She said looking at me. "Yeah, I was thinking about them," I said taking a sip from my cup.

"Sana I remember that day at the funeral you didn't even say anything. You need to let them go Sana they are gone. It's high time you let them go. They deserve a Goodbye. " She said.

"I just can't What I am supposed to say?" I asked looking at her. "Yeah I could say this, Mom and Dad Goodbye and from now onwards I will just pretend that I am okay that you guys left me. I know that they aren't with us anymore and I just can't do that I am scared that if I do that I will be left with nothing." I said.

"That's not true you have Chachu. You have me and Kushal. You are not alone Shehnaaz. You just need to let it go and live. There aren't with us anymore that's true. But that doesn't mean that you live like a dead person. You always have a choice. You just need to make the right one." She said and gave a little squeeze on my shoulder and left my room closing the door behind.

Letting it go isn't so easy as they say. It is so fucking hard, I don't know why everybody expects me to just let everything go and be happy. How can I be happy when there is no one left to make me smile.

Move on, be happy, get married, and have kids. That is what happiness is? Happiness is when I live it all, I am not a robot that there is a switch that I can turn on, and then I am just this happy person.

While I was in my deep thoughts I got a call. It was a Whatsapp call from my Chachu. I picked up the call and spoke with him for an hour. After that I got fresh and ate my food with Shefali, Kushal wasn't there he went out for some work. I again came back to my room and dozed off.

When I woke up it was dark outside, I guess I slept for a long time. I looked at the time it was nine. I washed my face and changed into comfy PJ's and stepped out of the room. I saw Kushal was sitting on the Couch going through some movies. I went and sat beside him.

"Finally you woke up," He said while he was still busy looking at the screen. "Yeah, where is Shef?" I asked. "She is in Kitchen she is preparing some cake." He said. I snatched the remote from his hand. "So much confusion for choosing a movie. We going to watch a horror movie. And by the way, your movie taste sucks." I said.

"My movie taste sucks and you daily watch horror movies. One ghost is watching another one on TV." He said with a smile. "Whatever," I said. Shefali came with her cake she was arranging the table. We both went and sat. I was so hungry I just ate my food. After we were done with our dinner we all were sitting in the living talking about random stuff. "I almost forgot to ask how are uncle and Aunty?" Kushal asked with a smile. I looked at Shefali she looked at me back.

Here comes the moment of truth. I didn't know how to say it. But Shefali broke the news. "Uncle and Aunty passed away." She said. Here it comes all the memories flush back in. Blood, hospital, stretcher.

"What? When? When did this happen? And why didn't you tell me before? When did it happen?" Kushal asked looking at both of us. He was completely shocked. "A week and a half before I went to the US," I said. "What? You mean it happened seven years back and I didn't know it." He said looking at both of us. "And Shefali since when did you knew this?" He asked.

"I knew that same day...." He didn't let her complete her sentence. He got up "Seriously and you never thought of saying it to me. Literally, for seven years you never happen to mention it to me." He said. I went and stood in front of him.

"Listen Kushal I told her not to tell you. She always wanted to tell you but I convinced her not to tell you. I am sorry but it isn't her fault. I just couldn't take it I was just broken that time." I said.He looked at me and hugged me tightly. Even I reciprocated the hug, I needed this. "It's okay I am sorry I couldn't be there for you," He said. "No you were always there for me," I said with a smile. In between, we invited Shefali as well. We three had a group hug.

After a huge emotional ride, I told him everything. I filled him up with everything. We were going back to our rooms when "So Shehnaaz you are coming to the reunion tomorrow right?" She asked. Shit now I have to deal with this. "No Shef I told you before also I am not interested to come and technically I didn't even graduate from that college," I said.

"But still you got the invitation right, So you are coming and I am not listening to anything. That's it." She said. "But I have work tomorrow," I said. "Work? you said it is after a week you are going to join." She said.

"Not that license and all. I even need a SIM card. I am busy tomorrow." I said. "You can do all that work tomorrow morning, reunion is at night so no more excuses you are coming and I have decided it." She said and went inside her room. "Come you will have fun," Kushal said. "Fun?" I said. "Goodnight," He said and went into his room after closing the door behind.

"Great now I need to attend this fucking reunion," I said and went into my room I sat on my bed. Took my phone "Should I stalk him?" No way I am doing it. In these seven years, I tried hard not to stalk him. Would he come to the reunion? I don't think so, why would he come, he owns a company I don't think so he is so free to attend a college reunion. With those thoughts, I kept my phone aside and dozed off. You know jet lag.







Sorry for the late update I stay in Hyderabad due to heavy rains I am facing a huge problem with an internet connection. I will update tomorrow as well. In the next chapter, they are going to meet. I promise, sorry for making it so late for them to meet but in the next chapter, they will meet for sure. And I will post the next chapter tomorrow. I hope you guys like this update.😓😓

Please ignore any mistakes.😅😅

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