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Even Sid doesn't deserve to know this?" Shefali asked.

"He does but not now, I will tell him I am not in a position to deal with him rightnow " I said.

"I will tell him and Kushal soon. But not now" I said.

"Your wish, but I am there for you" Shefali said. I just sat there waiting for Chachu with blank expression. Soon after a hour and half Chachu arrived. As soon as I saw him I went and hugged him. He also hugged me back.

"Are they fine" He asked worriedly.

"They are no more" I said. He hugged me back more tightly.


It's been a week since I went out of my room and I know that chachu has been very worried about me. But i just can't hold myself together.

I haven't been to college since so many days . Though Shefali is coming daily to meet and she is trying really hard to cheer me up. But nothing seems to work.

It's hard accept that I am never going to see them. And on there funeral it was so hard for me to stand there. Only very few people came as we dont really have huge family. But still whenever some one use to come and talk to me about parents I was unable to take. But still I made it through.

The thought of them not being there. From now onwards there is no about ask me whether I had my food or how was my day or to drop me off to college, or to protect me, or to love me unconditionally. Parents are the only people in this world who can love you more then you can love yourself. And I can't see myself moving past this and move on with my life.

I didn't know what to do anymore, I am not even sure that I will be able to ever come out of it. I don't feel like going back to college, but I have and I need to even talk to Sidharth. I know he doesn't know anything about this but some where down in my heart I was hoping that he would actually call me or make an a effort to come to meet me.

It kind of hurts that he did not make any effort. Maybe he is really angry on me for what I did that night, but I am in no good position emotinally to handle these stuff.

It was night, I don't when with all these toughts I dozzed off. I woke up from the sound of my phone, I woke and saw it was unknow number. I could not even see the number as it was showing "private number" I was confused that who is calling me this late. I picked up the call.

"Hello" I said.

"Hello Shehnaaz" caller said, with every weirdly deep man voice. By then I understood that it was the stalker.

"Stop it okay I know about you Aarthi So stop this stupid actions of yours." I said.

"I am no Aarthi Shehnaaz" Stalker said.

"I know it's you. So now stop lieing and you can time for both of us" I said

" I don't like to repeat my words Shehnaaz. Don't make me angry it wont be good for you" Stalker said.

"And you think I am scared of you, then listen to me. You want me to stay away from Sidharth right. Guess what I love him and I am going to confess my feeling to him. Do whatever you want to do. Got it" I said hung up on her.

After few mintues when I was trying to go back to sleep I heard a noise from kitchen. I heard a sound of something fell down.

I slowly put my feet down and started walking towards the kitchen it was dark and I was trying to on the lights but there was no power.

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