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"Please I just want to be alone for some time I will explain everything to you guys later. Just please Shefali give me the keys" I said.

"Okay...Okay but if you need anything call us we will come over" Shefali said.

"Thankyou" I said. As soon as shefali gave me the keys I took off.

"I guess we need to check up on Sidharth, something wrong happened between them" Shefali said.

"Yeah lets go" Kushal said.


After that I left the college, I don't know where I was going or what am I doing. I am just tired of people not trusting me. Why is Aarthi so important to him anyway. Why does he have to keep me in a  position where I have to do something like this to make him understand.

I can't imagine my dad spoke to Sidharth about me, even my dad didn't trust me, all the while he use to pretend as if he seriously belives whatever I say but in reality even he didn't trust me. I just feel like a fool who was keep on explaining to people who doesn't even trust me.

I didn't feel like going home, I was just driving on the streets without any destination. It is so evident that Aarthi like Sidharth that proves that she has a motive, why does he have to keep on taking her side.

I got a call from Shefali, I didn't wanted to pick her call up but it's her car maybe she needs it. So I picked up her call.

"Hello" She said.

"What Shef?" I said

"Where are you and what did you even do, why did you broke up with Sidharth. I thought you were going to tell him how you exactly feel about him, you were planning all that birthday suprise for him. What happened to you why did you do this" She said.

"Maybe you should ask him? What did he have done to make me end things with him" I said.

"What happened Shehnaaz" She said worriedly.

"Maybe I would have not ended things with him if he wasn't keep on supporting Aarthi on every damn thing" I said.

"And moreover he doesn't even trust me, all that shit I told him and my dad about that stalker. Guess what nobody belives me" I said.

"About that Shehnaaz it's not we doesn't want to trust you, we did intially but we never saw anything like that, and Sidharth has been very worried about you. That's why he meet your dad to talk about it and even he was really worried about you and he said even he didn't  see anything like you describe to him" She said.

"'WE' means even you didn't trust me, you know me since childhood, you seriously think that I would make up these kind of stories" I said.

"No I am not saying you are that type of a person but maybe you are just imagining stuff because of stress or maybe because of any other factors" She said.

"You guys are ready to belive that I am stressed out or any other factors that is effecting due to which I am imagining about a stalker but you guys aren't ready to consider just for once that whatever I am saying is true" I said.

"Shehnaaz listen..." She was saying some but I cut her in between and said. "No Shef I don't want to hear anything, I get it no matter what I say nobody will belive me" I said and hung up the call.





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