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"But he is not even in country, last year after he got out of jail he shifted to different country" I said.

"Still you be safe okay. Be more careful" He said.

"Chill, there is no chance anyone can hack my devices they are been highly secured, I did my MS in cybersecurity and ethical hacking, I am now a pro in all these, you should know this about at least, it's on my file. I didn't became a project head just like that. " I said.

"I know that, but just be careful tonight, Okay and if you get scared call me immediately" He said.

"Sure Sidharth, don't worry I will be fine" I said.


Its been a week since that night, and I am currently getting ready to go to Sidharth's farm house, the same farmhouse  which has so many memories of us together, first I didn't wanted to go but Sidharth was so persistent on me coming so I had to agree.

Soon Kushal and Shefali came to pick me up and we all three left for farmhouse, when we went there I saw even Aarthi was there. 

"Hey guys" Sidharth said.

"Hey" All three of us replied.

"Why this sudden plan?" Kushal asked.

"Sid I actually thought it was just us both. Why didn't you tell me that it was a group get-together" Aarthi asked.

"I actually called you guys for something really important matter. More like some important information that I found out, I just wanted to share with you guys" Sidharth said.

"What is Sid, What happened?" Shefali asked.

"All of you guys make yourself comfortable first. Sit all of you" Sidharth said. We all were sitting in the living room.

"What is it Sid?" Aarthi asked.

"Aarthi so excited to know?, anyways it's about you only I have some exciting surprise for you, that's why I called all of them to be part of this big surprise" Sidharth said.

"Surprise" Aarthi said being all excited. I was so pissed at Sidharth I didn't wanted to come in the first place he was so persistent on me coming for what, a surprise for Aarthi seriously. what the hell is wrong with him.

I was looking hell angry at him. "What is the surprise Sid, I am waiting" Aarthi said being all over excited.

"If it was a surprise for Aarthi then why did you call us. I mean it's both of your moment right, then why did you ask us to come" I said giving a fake smile to Aarthi and Sidharth.

"Because even you are going be surprised, not just you but all of you" Sidharth said.

"What is it Sid?" Kushal said.

"Okay so impatient I will revel it you guys" Sidharth said.

"Shehnaaz, you remember you had a stalker in college and who turned out to be shit Rohan" Sidharth said.

"Yes, but why are you asking about him now?" I asked.

"Did he ever confess what all he did  to you. I mean did you listen to his confession?" Sidharth asked.

"No, I mean I caught him red handed then what's the point of listening that stuff again. And moreover I left even before he gave out his official confession so I never heard it" Shehnaaz said.

"Okay" Sidharth said.

"What's the point of all this Sid? Why are we talking about this now" Shefali said.

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