Chapter 8 Behind Red Curtains

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"Don't even joke about something like that." he said sharply. Laura deflated.

"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood..." She sat subdued in her seat, not wanting to press any more conversation. She sighed. Her bodyguard had to take his job too seriously; as commending as that was, he made for poor company.

The heavy velvet curtains rose and the opening bars of 'Appalachian Spring' filled the air. Twenty minutes into the concert, Laura heard Ji Hoon stifle a yawn. She sighed.

"Are you bored already? There are like two hours more of this to go," She said.

"No, no, I'm fine. It's very - enjoyable." He said, hoping he sounded more enthusiastic than he felt. Laura hid a little smile.

"Why don't you take a nap? I'll wake you during the intermission." She said. Ji Hoon hesitated. A nap did sound appealing right now - but he was on the clock and couldn't afford to sleep.

"Nobody is going to shoot me from here," Laura said, guessing his thoughts, "And I won't tell Andrew." he smiled.

"Thanks." He said and settled more comfortably in his chair. He dozed off quickly and Laura watched his slow, even breathing, more fascinated by it's tempo than the engaging symphony in front of her.

"Even bodyguards need to rest." She said softly. His head lolled to the side for lack of support and hung uncomfortably on his shoulder. Laura reached out and ever so gently tilted his head onto her shoulder. Unconsciously sensing comfort, Ji Hoon snuggled down and went back to sleep. Laura left him there, not daring to shift for fear of disturbing him.

"One hour and fifteen minutes to go." She mumbled.

When the intermission finally came, Ji Hoon woke up feeling disoriented. He bolted up straight when he realized he had fallen asleep on Laura's shoulder.

"Hey, sunshine." Laura said playfully. He checked his watch.

"I was asleep for forty five minutes?" He said half to himself. He stood up, stretched himself and yawned.

"Did you have a good nap?" She asked, leaning over the armrest as she looked up at him. He cleared his throat.

"Yeah, um, I'm gonna go get myself a coffee. Do you want anything?" He asked.

"No, thanks." Laura said, feeling like he wanted to avoid her.

"Okay. I'll be back soon, don't move." He said, flapping his hands in a 'stay' position.

"Aish, I can't believe I fell asleep on her shoulder, she must have been so uncomfortable..." He grumbled to himself as he made his way through the bright hallway towards the cafe. As he stood in line for a coffee, Luke came up.

"You again." he snarled at Ji Hoon. He smiled.

"Yes, me. You don't seem pleased to see me." He taunted in the politetest tone. Luke jabbed his finger at him.

"Mark my words, you bastard, I'll get Laura away from you one way or another." He said in a low growl. Ji Hoon grabbed his finger and bent it backwards making him wince.

"Ah, argh!" He pulled away, cradling his finger.

"You get that finger anywhere near my Laura and you might lose it for good." Ji Hoon said with that same impertinent smile. Luke stalked away muttering profanities under his breath. Ji Hoon watched him furtively, making sure he didn't head for Laura's box. He saw him turn off and go downstairs and exhaled in relief.

"Maybe he's not a suspect after all, he's such a wuss..."

Ji Hoon drank his coffee, threw away the cup and returned to the box.

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