Chapter-8:The Killing Fields of Sauria

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"How Many Millions Will They Put To Sleep?"

Asia-Wildest Dreams

The Walled City, Sauria.

The Walled City, Sauria's de,facto capitol, had fallen to the Deranbeyen military despite a heavy resistance. The enemy had also launched offensives into Moon Mountain Pass and Snowhorn Wastes. All in all, many a dino had perished defending their planet.

Fox and crew were tasked with liberating the city. Upon their arrival, the mercenaries were greeted by a familiar face. Tricky, Fox's ally during the Sauria Crisis and King of the Earthwalkers (triceratops). They hadn't seen each other since the Aparoid War.

"Well if it isn't my old buddy Fox."

"What's up Trick."

"Oh not much, married yet?"


"I thought not."

"Well, any ideas?"

"The leader of the Sharpclaws has one."

Fox looked over at the T-Rex-like creature. He was taller than the rest of the Sharpclaws, had red eyes, and carried a captured C46.

"Charge them. They've already dug in."

"Do they have any armour?"

"No, just aircraft."

"Well unless someone has a better idea, I'm all for it."

With that, the Zayas brothers went into a building, Omar to snipe and Hugo to spot. Everyone else hunkered down, and prepared to charge. Wolf motioned for Fox to come over. The vulpine did that, but he was on guard. The lupine handed him a knife.

"You're going to need it pup."


The first line of defense was a bunch of Deranbeyen machine gunners behind sandbags. As soon as Omar took out the first machine gunner, Joey fired his Makarov to start the charge. The Deranbeyen troops mowed down many dinos, but one by one, the gunners fell victim to shots from Omar and the charging troops. The last one got so desperate that he stood up and fired his weapon from the hip. He too was taken out.

As the Lylatian troops moved past the first line, the Deranbeyens started putting bayonets on their rifles and grabbed machetes, shovels, and hatchets to use as melee weapons. They then charged at the attacking Lylatians. Most of them fell victim to the larger dinosaurs but they were an even match for the average Sharpclaw or Lylatian. In Fox's case, he fought through them easily until a Deranbeyen jumped at him out of a trench. The soldier's Mauser Gewehr 1898 bolt-action rifle had a bayonet on it that was heading straight for the vulpine's head. The world slowed down for Fox as the bayonet drew closer. He used his left hand to knock the rifle away from him. However, it would seem that he hadn't hit it hard enough for he felt burning pain on the side of his head as the blade sliced his skin. Fox kicked the lizard in the gut and brought his CR-600 rifle down on his neck, breaking it. He then hid in the trench and gingerly touched the side of his head. It was bleeding heavily, but was only a flesh wound. Fox took the opportunity to patch himself up.

Krystal handled herself well in the battle. She mowed down enemy troops with a CR-25 laser SMG. Pausing behind some sandbags to reload, she saw Joey take out a structure with his GF-30 pulse rifle's under-mounted grenade launcher. The vixen proceeded to join in clearing out the bunkers and embankments. She approached one and moved along the wall until she was near the entrance. Krystal sensed that there were three soldiers inside. She fired into the building and killed two of them, but one hid behind a wall. He fired back with a C46. Krystal took cover, but felt a sharp pain in her right arm. She looked down and realized that she had been shot. The Deranbeyen stopped firing and Krystal sensed frustration coming from him. It seemed that his gun had jammed, not uncommon for weapons that use drum mags. Krystal went back to finish him off, only to have the Deranbeyen toss his weapon at her. That bought him enough time to grab a machete off of a table. He swung for her head, but the vixen ducked and pulled her Cerinian staff out. She hit him in the gut, then the chest. The last strike to the head drove his jawbone into his brain, ending his life. Krystal then bandaged her arm.

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