Chapter 2-On The Hunt

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Gathered on the bridge of the aircraft carrier-like ship were Fox, dressed in his signature grey flight jacket, helmet, and green jumpsuit, Krystal, wearing a pink, short-sleeved jumpsuit which partially revealed some of the mysterious spiral and star-shaped tribal markings on her fur, Slippy Toad, wearing his usual orange jumpsuit and red baseball cap, Amanda, wearing a lime-green jumpsuit, Lucy Hare, daughter of former member Peppy Hare, wearing a yellow jumpsuit, Falco Lombardi, wearing a white flight jacket and red jumpsuit, and the newest addition to Team Star Fox, Kronos Kudrov, wearing a black leather jacket with the team logo sewn on the front breast pockets over his blue combat armour.

They were reviewing the files on the mercenary group Revolutionaries For Hire(RFH). The screen showed a Cuban man with thinning brown hair, a black leather jacket, and blue jeans.

Cornerian Military Intelligence

Subject: Hugo Zayas

The profile was replaced with an older looking Cuban with black hair, a grey turtleneck sweater, and black cargo pants.

Subject: Omar Zayas

Next, they were shown an American man with short blonde hair, a dark blue denim jacket, a green and black checkered vest, and black jeans.

Subject: Lance Sellik

The last image was an Egyptian man with short black hair, a red leather jacket, and green cargo pants.

Subject: Imahd Sadat

"Reliable sources say that these guys are hiding in an abandoned space station near Sector X." Fox explained.

"Our job is to bring them in alive."

Somewhere near Sector X

Lance Sellik sat near a radar screen, cleaning his M21 SMG. The radar started beeping, prompting Lance to get up and look out the window. The Great Fox II was approaching.

He got on a radio.

"Here they come."

Elsewhere in the station, the rest of the team loaded their weapons.

"Remember the plan." said Hugo.

Fox hopped out of his Arwing, CR-20 laser pistol in hand. He found nothing in the main hanger and went into a smaller room, only to find Imahd menacing him with a knife.

"My, this is such a small space, and this is such a big knife."

"I don't have time for this." Fox thought before knocking the knife away.

The two started fighting and ended up back in the hanger, where someone cocked their rifle. Fox found himself on the business end of an AK-47.

"Give up, you'll never win." said Hugo.

Fox responded by ramming Hugo's rifle into his face. But gunshots made him dive for cover, giving Hugo time to get up and hit the vulpine in the gut.

"Now, I'm going to talk and you're going to listen."

Lance, standing on a catwalk, had fired the shots and was smirking when he felt someone grab him from behind.

"That so?"

The three men in the hanger looked up and saw Kronos with a gun to Lance's head.

"I suggest that you let my friend go."

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