Chapter-5:Baphomet Strikes Back

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"Here We Stand, And Here We Fight."

R.E.M-Welcome to the Occupation

Corneria City

The mercenaries arrived on Corneria just in time to discover another Demonic attack on the capitol. As soon as they landed and left the ship, they were ducking for cover. Demons of all types pervaded the spaceport and they could literally pop up anywhere. The mercenaries and the military were holed up in the control tower as wave after wave attacked from all directions. At times, it was an absolute melee. Everyone found that they were using their weapons to bash the creatures more than they were to shoot them.

That being said, the Demons didn't seem to have very good tactics; A bunch of smaller Demons and Zombie Troopers would attack and be cut down with rifles and SMGs. On the other hand, when bigger Demons attacked, they fell prey to heavier guns. But the Demons seemed to figure this out. The next wave had more or less every Demon seen so far. The smaller ones climbed all over the walls while the Zombies and Pinkys attacked the distracted infantry. The bigger ones laid waste to their improvised cover. The mercenaries all looked at each other.

"Any ideas?" said Fox.

Hugo gestured to some fuel barrels.

"Plant a sticky grenade on them and kick them into the horde."

They did just that. Hugo's idea put several gaps in the Demonic lines. Thus, the Cornerians were able to push them back. The beasts were wiped out for the time being.

East from the city, the other invaders had set up a huge array of artillery. All of it was aimed at the capitol. Each of the commanding officers gave the order to fire.

Rockets, shells, and plasma slammed into the island city, quickly followed by enemy troops deploying from dropships, helicopters, transport planes, or in the case of the Locust, tunneling.

Back at the spaceport, the mercenaries were trying to figure out a plan of action. Hugo came up with one.

"We need four groups, two people to each one. Fox, you're with me, Leon, go with Omar, Lance, go with Panther. Well I guess that just leaves Kronos and Wolf."

The two of them both had the same thought. "I'm not going with him."

"Well you're the two best guys we have." replied the Cuban.

That seemed to make them settle down.

"Okay, the rest of you guys are on air cover. Now move out."

Hugo turned to Wolf and Kronos.

"Try not to kill each other."


Fox and Hugo walked through the ruined buildings without encountering any enemy troops. However, they soon heard chattering up ahead. The two hid in some rubble as the voices grew closer. A couple of Deranbeyen soldiers walked by carrying C45s. Fox and Hugo jumped the two and snapped their necks. Further up the street were three more Deranbeyens armed with C46s.

The vulpine and the human were not as lucky this time as the lizards spotted them and opened fire. Fox fired at one who couldn't get to cover in time, dropping him in a spray of red. One popped up to retaliate, Hugo nailed him with a headshot for his trouble. The last remaining soldier tossed a hand grenade at them. However, he hadn't held it long enough, so Fox merely threw it back, blowing the man in half as a result. They came out and heard a vehicle engine over a hill.

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