Chapter 3-The Greater Good

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"There's Lots of Shady Characters, Lots of Dirty Deals."

Glenn Frey-Smuggler's Blues

En route to Sargasso

It was an hour and a half flight to Sargasso Space Zone, located in Sector Y. Fox and Joey were catching up.

"So why didn't we see you earlier?"

"I was doing a job on Volgania."

"But they should have had you on the database."

"Did you look the guys up individually?"


"Well there's your problem."

They were silent for a few minutes before Joey said.

"I didn't want to bring this up in front of everybody, but you look rough. You feeling okay?"

Fox explained the visions to Joey but spared him any specific details.

"Damn, that's some heavy stuff."

Sargasso Space Zone, Sector Y.

The Star Wolf team was in for a shock when they saw their arch-rivals land in their space station. But when Wolf O'Donnell saw the pilot of one of the MIGs, he calmed down. The three outlaws came into the hanger. Much to everyone's shock, Hugo and Wolf greeted each other with a handshake.

"These two go way back." said Leon Powalski of Star Wolf.

"If Hugo hadn't shot off that guy's fingers, Wolf wouldn't be here now." added Omar.

"How can I help you old friend?" Wolf asked with a grin.

"Can you spare a couple barrels of fuel?"

"Yours for the taking Hugo." Wolf replied.

He turned to Star Fox to say something, but shut his mouth when he saw Kronos. Evidently, he had not forgotten their encounter on Titania. Unfortunately, once RFH had re-fuelled, the power went out and the familiar laughter of the Demons filled the station.

Elsewhere, a large figure wandered around his lock-down cell.


Demons of all types poured into the station. Eight-eyed Imps, two-headed Maggots, flying skulls known as Lost Souls, balloon-like Cacodemons, mantas-like Wraiths, and Vulgars, monkey-like Demons with long tails, insect-like mouths, small limbs on their chest, and two orange eyes. They threw plasma balls as opposed to the fireballs of their Imp cousins.

The mercenaries kept moving through the station so as not to get cornered. Regardless of past transgressions, they protected each other. For example, Wolf shot an Imp behind Fox and was subsequently tripped up by a Vulgar. Just before it could slit his throat, Fox killed it.

The two nodded a silent "We're even."

In another case, Krystal was struggling with a Wraith. It seemed like it was going to cut her down when Panther Carouso shot it in the head. She repaid the favour by killing a Cacodemon that was about to fire ball lightning at the wildcat.

There seemed to be a respite, as the Demons stopped coming. But not for long, heavy footsteps came down the halls. This wave of Demons consisted of dog-like Pinkys, elephant-like Mancubi, Hell Knights, and Bruisers, nine foot tall creatures with cannons for hands, horns, yellow eyes, and a TV-like mouth that showed the image of a set of human jaws.

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