Depuis le début



She expressed her pity. She looked back and forth.

"I'm sorry.."

"My friend wants to talk with her"

"Can I see her for a minute? Please..."

The planchette moved again, now in a fiercely way.


I flustered and looked around. But I didn't see anything. The things that were shaking off now started to throw away in different directions. Jennie lowered her head and gestured me to do it too.

"Can you please stop the mess Grace or whoever it is!?" I screamed.

It stopped. The things were on the ground and I heard a weeping sound. The dimmed lights went off leaving the room with a source of light from the candles.

Something felt cold.

I took away my hands from the planchette. Jennie took the planchette and looked through the small glass part. She looked around. She figured out the couch.

"There is no one Abel.."

She slowly turned towards my side with the planchette on her eyes.

She gasped. She got away from the plank and gasped again.

"What Jen?"

"What do you see?"

She kept the planchette on her eyes again.


"Don't move"

Her words tempted me to look around.

But I resisted it as I felt something cold on my shoulders. It was a cold breath. I gulped. Something was dripping down on the floor next to me. It was so cold near me peculiarly.

"Jennie, I wanna look it"

I turned slowly to my right.

It was GRACE. She was more terrible than I saw her last time.

It was that blood from her mouth dripping on the floor and it splattered on my sweatpants. She was frickin' pale. The palest on the earth. She had scratches all over her face. It was her breath that made me cold. Her hair was the messiest. She watched Jennie with a white eye.

She was grinning angrily at Jennie. She had broken teeth and her lips was ruined because of coldness and she had cut throughs. She was moaning in pain and anger.

I was used to her figure.

It made me feel different this time. I kinda felt safe but she was scary.

I turned behind wholly to see her. She was on a crawl position. Her foot was burnt badly. She had blood on her white dress and it was torn and burnt half.

I looked at Jennie.

She was at her nerve. She was still looking through the planchette and she kept whispering something.

I fixed my gaze at Grace. She was whispering too, in gibberish.

Jennie placed the planchette on the board. She looked beside me.

"What do you want to do to me?"

"Kill me?"

I startled up.

"Jennie! Whatcha talkin' about?"

She nodded.

Grace eerily laughed.

Since she was close to me, I smelled blood and my ears bursted out as her volume kept on increasing intensely.

It sent me chill, down my spines.

The wind blowed in badly. The curtains danced along with the wind. The things shattered down.

The candles blew off.

I covered my ears. She screamed enough to break the dining glasses. Jennie closed her ears and squinted her eyes.


"I'm here to solve your problem!!"

"Why're you troubling us???!!!"

The wind stopped and everything felt paused. I turned back to see her. But Grace wasn't here.

I only saw the blood trail she left behind. It was going in somewhere.

I looked at Jennie.

I heard a weepin' down deep. Jennie held her ears on the floor.

"She's in the base, Abel"

"She's in the base, Abel"

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