Secret Technique

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"First thing first, if you are reincarnated 20 years back then the higher beings in that world would noticed you and bla bla bla..." consider this as *BULLSHIT NO JUTSU*

(5 minutes later)

" summary, in every possible dimensions that you saw is that I'll be the caused that will destroy this world? After destroying the world, you're saying that I just traveled to the other Multiverse?" I summary with irritation.

"That's what I said, yes." the voice said and I could feel that he's nodding sagely. "If you understood then, shoo! *puff*" I disappeared without replying back.


'URGH! it feels weird after getting snapped like that...where am I?' I got up from the bed and stretched. 'Ahh! popping joint after waking up is life'

'Edith. Explain to me what happen while I was gone'


"I see..." I shrugged and pick up my swords.

*knock* *knock*

"hmm?...coming~!" I replied after putting on my light blue sunglasses.


It's been almost a week now since I started assimilating process in Elenoir. Tess and Emilia are quite fun to hang-out with but what interests me is the boy that came back with Emilia 4 days ago.

If the heroic story that Emilia brag about is true then that boy is no ordinary. I actually believed her as I can't sense his mana core and saw the three great swords in his bedroom when I visited him with Emilia and gramps.


He must have been unconscious for a week now?

"ART!" *pinch*

"Ah! ouch! do you need something Tess?" I said rubbing the place where I got pinched.

"You are dazing, you really are a pervert" Tess said gaining me a tick mark. "STOP USING THE WORD YOU DON'T KNOW!" I yelled out of frustration.

"TeHee~" is the response I got. "Don't tehee me!"

"So? lunch's ready?" I asked. "Yes!!" Tess replied.

"Un! Let's go."


The person who knocked the door was Elder Virion or the former king of Elenoir. He sensed that the mana in my room is fluctuating like crazy that's why he decided to visit.

"Good to see that you're awake brat. I'm Virion Eralith, Emilia's grandfather" Virion said after I opened the door.

"Ah! My name is *growl* hehe Aiden" I introduced myself but got embarassed after hearing my stomach growling.

"PFT! PWAHAHAHA! Follow me brat. We'll continue our conversation over lunch as it's about time." He laughed and gestured me to follow. I followed him as I am really hungry.




We arrived at the dining table with 6 seats. Three of the seats are occupied by two girls and a boy.

"Take a seat brat" Virion said to me, gaining the attention of the children.

"OH! Aiden, here take this seat" Emilia said excitedly to which I just nodded and took the seat that is beside her.

Master of all in TBATE [Discontinued]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن