The man smiled and was about to comment something when a smoky voice sounded from behind them.

"How sweet" the voice said sarcastically "Cinderella found her Happily Ever After."

The man turned and saw a woman, dressed from head to toe in black, leaning against a pillar in the park garage.

Chills slithered up the man's neck and he pushed his family behind him.

His wife stiffened and he felt her hand grip the back of his sweater.

"Take Cooper and lock yourselves in the car" he murmured softly to his scared wife "Under no circumstance do you get out of that car."

"Honey..." she whimpered as their son let out a piercing screech "We can't leave..."

"Now" he said more firmly "I-"

His voice cut off suddenly as his throat closed, the air leaving his lungs in a whoosh.

The woman smirked at him, holding out her hand and flicking her wrist.

His wife cried out from behind him and he turned and saw her on the floor, clawing at her throat as her face turned an unsightly shade of purple.

"We'll" the man managed to choke out " family...alone."

She suddenly appeared behind his wife, grasping her curly hair in a tight grasp.

"I can't leave you alone" she smiled wickedly "Because you have something I want."

Her eyes drifted to the stroller and his heart stopped in his chest.

"Please..." he ran to his son as fast as he could but his legs felt like they were weighed down "We have money. Take the car."

"I don't need the car" she smiled "I need the child."

"Please" his wife cried "He's our son...we've tried so long for a baby...he's our world."

"Your sacrifice will not be in vain" The evil woman gazed down at her with an unsympathetic smile "He will go to a loving home and will never want for anything in his life."

Before the couple could even blink, they started choking on their own blood.

The man watched in horror as the life drained out of his wife's eyes, blood pouring out of every oriface in waves like a scene from a horror movie.

His eyes were blurry and he took one last look at his precious son, who was crying his little lungs off in the evil woman's thin arms.

She ran a finger across his red chubby little cheeks soothingly but the gesture did nothing but make the baby cry harder.

"You will be my Salvation Little One" she cooed "And when the time comes, you will also become my King."


Hey Wolfies!!

The time has come! 

Since this is the last installment of the Moon series, I wanted our overall theme to be darker and more unscrupulous than my previous books in order to really show how one personal tragedy could change the course of your life forever. 

Onyx Moon will be one wild ride and I want you to hold onto your seats because if you thought my cliffhangers/twists & turns were horrible ain't seen nothing yet!.

Whatever questions you had from both Wolf and Blood Moon will definitely be answered in Onyx Moon! 

I can't wait for you guys to read what I have in store for you!'re going to equally Hate/Love me by the end of this story! 

Thank you for coming on this journey with me. If it weren't for you all, I would be making my dreams come true of creating stories that bookworms like me take the time to read and appreciate. 


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