13. To Heal A Scar

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3rd Person POV

[This chapter is inspired by a comic from twitter by @MilkTea543]

[Listen to the song while reading this chapter, in my option it fits too well]

Kazuha entered his room, only to froze in shock as [M/N] was not lying in his bed.

Instead, the bed was empty and the window in his room was open.

Kazuha run as fast as possible to the deck, once he arrived at the deck he search for Captain Beidou and found her talking to Traveler, Paimon, and a demon.

"Beidou! Window. Gone. Outside. [M/N]." He said frantically as he's doing some hand gestures trying to describe it as accurate as possible.

Kazuha then lead them to his room to show them the empty bed and the open window.

"He couldn't have gotten that far, I mean we're still in the Harbor." Paimon tried to assured the worried Kazuha.

"I'm not sure about that."

They turn their heads to the voice and saw the demon from before.

"He might actually have gone quite far."

"Pardon my rudeness, but who are you?" Kazuha asked the demon.

"Ah, right. I'm Vicers, Devil of Devils." The Devil introduce himself.

" The Devil introduce himself

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[Vicers. Devil of Devils. One of the survivor of the original.]

"I'll just send this guy out to search, he should be found in a couple of minutes at best." Vicers told them as he summons a little crow.

"Does he need anything? Like a scent?" Paimom asked.

"He's not a dog, Paimon... And even if you're correct, this one's a special case. Now, why don't you say hi to our old friend." Vicers said as he sends the crow out of the window.


Meanwhile, at a cold, snowy place.

There was footsteps found on the snow, leading towards a frozen lake.

Not many people know the frozen lake's existence as you have to traveled through a dead tree forest to get to the location.

There sits a lonesome Devil on top of a dead log near the lake, he seems to be out of it. Spacing out and thinking about many things at once.

Suddenly, the sound of a crow interrupt his train of thoughts. The crow then waddles towards the Devil and sits himself near the Devil.

The Devil look at the crow confused on to why a crow would approach him.

"You don't remember him? He's been waiting a long time to see you."

Someone whisper at the Devil's ear, out of instinct, the Devil created a small fire on his palm and was about to burn the intruder alive. Only to set it out the moment he recognize the intruder.

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