16. Picture Perfect | Act 2

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3rd Person POV

[This chapter is inspired by the Picture Perfect Arc of the Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun Manga]

[Spoilers for Picture Perfect Arc of the Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun Manga]

"You're crazy, Kazuha..."

"Why are you fighting it so hard? The other day, you said you'd be happy to do it."

"No...! I... I can't... [M/N]..."

"If we did that, I'd...!"

"I DON'T WANT TO CLEAN THE WHOLE SHIP!! NO NO NO!!" Kazuha yelled as he's holding onto the door way as if his life depends on it.

"Cooome ooon!!" [M/N] yelled back as he pulls on Kazuha's arm.

"I don't wanna!"

"Yes, you do!"

"I asked you the other day, and you said you'd help!" [M/N] sigh at the others stubbornness.

Several minutes had pass since [M/N]'s attempt on convincing Kazuha to clean the ship and to no avail.

"And here I thought I was the stubborn one. Come on Kazuha, even the Traveler's gonna help."


While everyone's getting ready and bringing the supplies, Kazuha, Traveler, and Paimon were discussing about the situation they're currently in.

"It's so weird! Everyone thinks [M/N] is a normal human." Paimon started.

Kazuha can't help but have his eyes wondered to the [S/C] male who's currently messing around with the crew.

"But, you know... Maybe..." Kazuha spoke up.

"...We're the crazy ones..?"

"Huh?" Traveler and Paimon look at the Samurai, clearly confused.

"No... I mean.. He really is... Doing this whole thing like it's normal..." Kazuha pointed out as he's looking at the said male.

"I'm wondering if maybe this is how it was supposed to be all along..."

"...And maybe... It's better this way... You know?" Kazuha finished.

At that, Traveler and Paimon are now thinking on what Kazuha have said.


Maybe he's right.

Maybe... It's better this way.

Then out of nowhere, water was poured on top of the three of them.

"WH- WHAT THE--?! WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Paimon yelled as she tried to get the big bucket off of her.

"Cold...! Water..." Traveler muttered.

"[M/N]!!" Kazuha yelled as he look up towards the culprit.

[M/N] smirks at their reactions and responses. "There's a price to pay when you slack off." He said as he handed them towels.

"Everyone! We're gonna start cleaning!!" Beidou announced as everyone start getting into their positions.

All of them then lines up at the end of the deck with brooms in front of them.

"All right, everyone! On your marks..."

"...Get set..."


Everyone starts running towards the other end of the deck with their wet and souped brooms in front of them, cleaning the deck as they ran.

All of them starts cleaning the whole ship for the rest of the morning.

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