Chapter 2

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I sit in school bored as Mrs. Horan goes on and on about argument paragraphs. Mrs. Horan's by far my favorite teacher, but she always takes a long time to teach us stuff. Not in one day. I mean, like, she wants us to get everything perfect so we work on the same thing for months! After the bell rings, I go to advanced math. Then choir.
Now I'm on the bus. "Move it girl!" It's Gingee.
Gingee. Of course. School's almost over and he has to come and sit by me. I wouldn't dare NOT let him sit here because I'd get beaten up. Bad. Like last time.....

My thoughts drift back to the first day of school. I was a happy, innocent, 6th grader. I sat by Ashley, my best friend. She has long, thick, dark hair. She's Arabic and lives right down the street from me. She has pretty, brown eyes and long eyelashes. Every boy at school is attracted to her. But she speaks up a lot. It's a good thing because, well, she'll stick up for you. But if she talks to the wrong person, like Gingee, she won't end up so good. She's not that strong. Anyways, I was minding my own business talking about the first day, when an 8th grade kid walks up to me. He had red hair and was very large. I could tell from other kids' reactions that this wasn't a kid to mess with. I looked up at him and just went back to my conversation. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my right cheek and saw Ashley's face turn red with anger. Then I felt another pain. I felt blood drip down from my ear. Ashley stood up. "Get 'em Nate," I heard someone yell. I turned and saw the red head standing over me- Nate. "Why'd you hit her? Did that feel good? Huh? Do you feel good making people hurt? What's your problem, man? Did she somehow offend you sitting here talking about good things? Well if you have a problem, talk to me!" Ashley stood up for me once again. Everybody ooooooed. You only needed one look at Nate's face to tell he's never been spoken to like this before. I looked up at the bus driver, only to see she was watching......not helping in any way at all. I remember that exact moment. Remember thinking that middle school was going to be different. A lot different. And I was regretting my decision to ride the bus. Nate grabbed Ashley by the hair and pulled her head toward him. "Gingee, stop," the bus driver said carelessly. "Get out of my seat," Gingee said. The last thing I remember is Ashley saying no. Then I went unconscious with one hard hit to the head. Ashley? Let's just say she spent the rest of the summer with an arm broken in two places.....

I remember this moment as Gingee stands over me. I doubt he remembers any of this because of all the people he bullies. This time, I have Julia sitting next to me. She also lives a few houses down. I like Julia because she's not afraid to be herself. She is crazy about Justin Bieber. She knows his blood type, what the heck? She has nails that are LONG and every day, she wears glow up cat ears to school. I'm sorry to say she isn't that popular. But she has friends like me and Ashley. All her friends are loyal too. She won't stick up for me though, not like Ash. As I sit there, staring into space thinking about all this, my thoughts get interrupted. "Did you hear me?" Gingee yells. He grabs me by the collar of my shirt and lifts me up. My throat automatically hurts as he chokes me. "I'm so sorry! I'll move. Seriously," I manage to say in between breaths. He lets go. Julia has a look of fear on her face and I can understand why! She quickly grabs all her stuff and moves. By now, all the seats are taken, so we stand in the aisle. When I get home, I try to wipe all the blood off my nose so my mom won't get suspicious. (Gingee punched me. Hard.) I tried to stay out of it, but even that won't stop Gingee from giving a good beating. Gosh. I can't wait until I have a three month Gingee free break!

Hey guys! How was my second chapter? Definitely better than the first right? If there's anything I can do to make it better, please comment! Follow me! Also, Ashley is strong. I swear, she could lift up a car! Julia wouldn't just sit there, btw. She'd say something. My friends aren't bystanders! Also, my bus driver's super nice and I love her! Gingee is not a bully. I guess. He can be mean but he's also hilarious😂😂. He would never beat anyone up..... I hope😳😳. Bye guys! Thanks for reading so far! I'll update ASAP!

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