He simply looked down at my hand snidely and didn’t bother to extend his own.

Vasic removed his arm from its position across my shoulders and extended his hand toward Volumes. “Nice game mate, you’re a great player.”

Volumes glared at the words but accepted Vasic’s outstretched hand into his own. Sexist ass.

“I know I am, my team let me down this game.” Volumes replied and I forced myself to choke back a scoff. Idiotic fool.

I watched, slightly amused, as Vasic’s muscles bulged as he squeezed Volume’s hand too hard.

“Okay mate, here’s the thing, you’re a fool. This girl could skate rings around you. Yes, she’s a girl and she’s a bloody better player than you by far. Accept it. Deal with it. You aren’t everything you think you are. You are sexist and need to realise that you are not God’s gift to the world. I’d tell you to shake her hand but you’re beneath that. Get over yourself. Get the picture?” Vas questioned and I enclosed a warning hand over his bicep. Didn’t want him breaking any of the Asshat’s fingers, or did I?

No. I didn’t. That’d be bad for Vas.

“C’mon Vas, not worth it. Let’s shake the other one’s hands.”

Vas let go slowly and Volumes cradled his reddened hand to his chest, glaring at Vasic with a newfound piercing hatred.


          “So how many of them shook your hand?” Adam asked as we all sat in booths at BOOST. It was a team tradition to head to BOOST after a game, first having warmed down appropriately of course. We’d then head to my place and the guys would all crash there. My parents usually spent those nights at my Uncle’s and tonight dad would be with Uncle Ian.

I shrugged, but couldn’t hold back the frown, “Two.”

Lucas’ frown matched my own, “Better than the mere one you got last time.”

“It’ll get better Alara,” Kaleb encouraged.

“Don’t let it bother you.” Tai said, “They’re all idiots and their opinions don’t matter. Just as Vasic so kindly educated that Volumes kid, you could skate rings around all of that team. They don’t know you and their opinions are irrelevant. We know you, we respect you as an athlete, and we love you. That should be what matters.” Tai smiled at me as he spoke, his eyes fierce.

I nodded. “Thanks Tai. Love you too.”

Tai grinned, “Plus, you give great girl advice. I wouldn’t have scored that chick last summer without your advice.

And the supportive atmosphere had officially vanished. I laughed, “That makes me feel brilliant Tai, thanks.”

He grinned, cheeky now. “Hey, not your fault, she fell for it.”

“I’d almost feel like I was betraying my gender, but she fell for your wiles so quickly. I mean, you can be charming when you want to be, but that was just too easy.”

I took a sip of my passion-mango smoothie and grinned at the family that surrounded me, our jesting filling hours.


          “Has he asked you out on a date yet?” Hilary asked me. She was my only ‘girlfriend’ at school – heck, she was the only girl who spoke to me voluntarily and that was only because she was dating one of my team – Kaleb Scott. I’d met Hilary when Kaleb had finally worked up the courage – or as the team phrased it – grown a big enough set – to introduce her to us.

It was in the middle of the summer holidays when we’d met Hilary. Kaleb had invited the team over to his place. The guy had a pool. It had been thirty-eight degrees Celsius out and the humidity was a killer. I didn’t have to be asked twice.

I remembered the day vividly and with a fair share of humour. Kaleb and Lucas had been slaving over the barbeque whilst the other guys messed me around in the pool.

Upon hearing a low whistle, we all turned around. Well, I had no choice but to turn as I was balanced on Vasic’s strong shoulders and had been battling with Alexei who had been assisted by Adam.

We all turned to stare at a beautiful girl who I knew attended my school in the year above my own.

I watched shamelessly as she walked happily over to Kaleb. The unnamed girl reached up to touch his cheek, turned his face toward her own and kissed him soundly on the mouth. I’d stared as I’d realised that she must be Hilary – Kaleb’s girl.

She turned to face the pool and grinned broadly at me. Then she frowned as she caught some of the guys eyeing her up and down.

Hilary coughed. “Firstly, I’m Kaleb’s. Secondly, he won’t beat your arses if you don’t stop staring, I will. Thirdly, can I join you guys for these shoulder wars? I guarantee that I’m a tough opponent when it comes to shoulder wars.” She grinned again.

I’d laughed so hard that I’d almost fallen from Vasic’s shoulders. I would have fallen too if he hadn’t have caught me.

“Kaleb!” I’d shouted.

His handsome smile greeted me as he turned. “I like your girl.”

His smile broadened instantly. “I knew you would Ari.”

“Ah, so you’re the infamous Ari?” I nodded at Hilary’s question.

“I’ve heard so many stories about you and I like you too.”

I’d smiled at her response, thinking that I’d found a friend in the girl.

“Come join us Hilary. I challenge you to a shoulder battle. Fair warning though, Vasic and I are the reigning champions.”

Hilary smiled, “Well, Kaleb and I shall see what we can do about that.”

I smiled fondly at the memory before coming back to the present.

Thoughts of Nate only increased the happiness that I knew would be clear on my face. “Yeah, he asked me out the night of the big game last week. We’re going out tomorrow night.”

Hilary frowned, “On a Tuesday night? I don’t mean to sound like the spoil sport, but isn’t that unwise? I mean, with Tuesday being a school night and everything.”

I laughed, “No, Grandmother Hilary, it isn’t. We have a game on Friday and Saturday will be left to recovering and assignments. It’s logical and we won’t be out too late if it makes you feel any better.”

She sighed, “Oh who cares anyway. I’m so excited for this date! I’ve been waiting forever for you to date!”

I laughed at her. “Well it’s no thanks to your boyfriend! That team of mine makes dating difficult. They scare any potential guys off. I suppose I do that myself as ‘the hockey girl’ thing though.”

Hilary glared at me, “Their loss babe. I can see how your rowdy team would scare others off. I’d always hoped you and Nate would get together though.”

“So, where is he taking you! What’s he told you?” Hilary wasn’t one to simply ask something if she really wanted an answer, she demanded it.

“He hasn’t told me where we’re going; just that he’s taking me to dinner. He told me to dress casual.”

Hilary nodded, processing the freely given information. “What time is he picking you up?”


“Brilliant.” I’m riding home with you tomorrow after school. I’m helping you get ready whether you like it or not. No arguments. I’ve waited a year to do this with you.”

I sighed realising that resistance was futile. “Okay.”

The bell rang for last period and I said goodbye to Hilary as I headed off to my fifth class for the day. My thoughts travelled to my date with Nate that would be tomorrow and my stomach flooded with nerves. I sighed, nervously waiting.

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