Chapter 4: Second Battle of Alnus Hill

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-----The Coalition Camp, few distance from Alnus Hill-----

Since the Empire orders its vassals to create a coalition force, all kingdoms has mobilised their legions, archers and wyverns. Some kingdom even brought orcs and goblins as they're quite tricky to be beaten. It is now evening, a few minutes before dusk. The kings of the vassal kingdoms are having a meeting to retake Alnus Hill. They're planning out strategies, mostly the talk are done by the 4 main kingdoms, consists of:

Kingdom of Elbe
Kingdom of Alguna
League Principality
Kingdom of Mudwan

And 17 other kingdoms.

The meeting, led by King Duran of Elbe is going quite well. The morals are, high since they expect their coalition force could overwhelm the Unknown Army.

"My fellow kings. Us, warriors from Alguna will lead the frontline to show our force! Our mighty goblin and orcs legions will trample upon them!" Shouts King of Alguna Kingdom in the meeting camp.
"You can't do that! The legions from us, the Kingdom of Mudwan will lead the attack! We want the glory too." The king of Mudwan replies. The kings from other kingdoms starts a commotion about the topic. Duran silences all of them, before he speaks.

"Kingdom of Alguna will lead the frontline tomorrow, as they have the most orcs and goblins legions than us." Orders Duran to everyone. It is common to recruit goblins and orcs into their army as racism is quite common in the New Frontier. All of them are hoping to reduce human casualties as much as possible, since both orcs and goblins possess a similar treat, which is stupidity. But with stupidity, they are also durable to minor injuries. It is common for every swordsman to learn killing an orc / goblin. A swordsman must stab through the body of an orc to kill it. If a swordsman can't stab through the body, well.. the said orc would ignore the wound, and proceeds to kill anything they see on sight due to their violent temperament.

The Empire and its vassals see this as a chance to use goblins and orcs as meatshields for protection of their legionaries. Since Kingdom of Alguna is a heaven for ogres, orcs and goblins to breed their own kind, Alguna is known as the 'Brothel Kingdom'. Let's head back to the main story.

After Duran states that Alguna Army will lead the attack, the King cheers for him and his kingdom. Duran, being the most senior king among all of them, stands up and raises his sword. "Our coalition will stomp on these cruel barbarians. After we capture Alnus Hill, we will storm their city and conquer it. I proclaim the Allied Kingdom, as an official coalition."

The rest of the kings raises their swords and joins Duran, as they cheer for their new official alliance. "My army will fight with their hearts, for glory!" King of Alguna says. "Hey don't forget about the rest of us. My own army will fight with full honor." King of Mudwan replies.

Duran sees Ligu, the Duke of League with a long face. "I wish my army could have at least tens of thousands of legionaries. We lost too much men, now we have to retake Alnus Hill." Ligu sighs.

"Hm, the reports says they have at least fifty-five thousand (50,000) men, controlling the hill. Our combined force makes up three hundred thousand (300,000) men. I bet we can take it easily. Now I'm wondering the backups from the Empire, tomorrow is the push.." Duran speaks to Ligu.

-----18/9/2037, Alnus Hill, 12:34 PM-----

The Coalition force gathers around and starts marching towards the hill. Morals are very high, as Duran and the rest of the kings watches their legions from behind. Some kings even joins the battle for the sake of glory and rich. Everything was going fine until they see a field that has been turned black, thanks to the artillery strike by the US Army. They also see remains of armours and helmets that belongs to the Empire. They ignored it and continues to march.

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