Chapter 9: Siege Of Italica

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-----Tuesday, 5/10/2037-----
-----Alnus Base-----

It is early in the morning. Even the sun hasn't risen yet, the sounds sure do. Multiple helicopters of AH-64 'Apache', CH-47 'Chinook' and UH-60 'Black Hawk' are firing up their rotors with soldiers mobilising themselves, causing a few loud noise over the base.

Few minutes before, the 1st Recon Platoon has ordered for backup from an incoming horde of bandits, as they aren't sure about the current situation on the east gate. Sure, they could send a squad directly to the east gate, but they're not taking risk.

As for the lads in Alnus, the troops starts to board in their designated choppers. The pilots proceeds to pilot the choppers up, and there they go to Alnus.

-----South Gate-----

Rory started to act insane. And what I meant insane, is horny. She started to moan out of nowhere, like having an orgasm. Everyone notices this, but couldn't be bothered to ask, since Rory can't stop moaning, loudly. Our main character, Ryan Redfield proceeds to look at Lelei and asks her a question.

"Uhm Lelei. Why is she... Doing that?" He points at her, which made Lelei afraid. "The souls of the dead are being sent to Emroy, through her. Since Emroy is the God of Wall, he encourages his apostles to join the battlefield."

"War, not wall." He corrects her after hearing about Emroy.

"Forgive me. Also, this affects her like orgasm. I don't even know why, Emroy is really a weird God."

They tried to talk to Rory but she grasps for her halberd to cope with the orgasmic feeling. "A-At this rate, I'm going insane!"

"This really looks bad. Cap, any orders?" Diana walks up behind the mage and the squad leader. While Ryan asks Lelei again. "Lelei. Do you know if there's anything we could help her?" She sighs, before she continues.

"What she can do now is fight. She can't be left here, without doing these noises. So Ryan, you need to send her to the east gate. Sooner or later, she will run herself."

They can't risk of losing a vital force, so they had to ignore Rory. Redfield asks for any reinforcement requests from east gate, but it's still the same answer; No.

-----East Gate-----

Pina, still on the tower, is witnessing the slaughter of Italica residents. One of them shouts; "Where are the reinforcements?! WHERE ARE THE GREEN KNIGHTS?!" He was dueling with an experienced swordsman, while shouting, before he found his body to be hit by a spiky, metal flail.

She sees the same flail to kill more and more defenders. The blunt impact of the flail caused most of the residents' body to be severely damaged. They see a human with ogre-like body structure shouts, while swinging his flail. Only one defender remains, as his comrades has fell into the bandits' hands. Most defenseless residents are watching from a reinforced wooden fence, as they see more and more defenders fall.

Grey talks to Pina. "If this continues, they're going to break the fence. If that happens, the city will be pillaged. You must order everyone to evacuate, Princess. Their lives are more important than the city!"

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