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A university student gets the job of a lifetime. The only condition? Deal with a master of manipulation and murder playing his own twisted games.



Q1. How did you come up with the title for your book? 

A1- The title of my stories is the theme that runs throughout them. The original idea guides everything that's happening expressed in much simpler words. For Tainted, it's the image of someone being pushed into a dark place. The more specific one I imagined for Tainted was a white rose turning black, like ink being pumped into it.(PS: for sure! tainted is a really appealing word)👏

Q2. What was the trickiest thing about writing characters of the opposite gender in this book? 

A2- Writing any given gender to me is a little simple and a little tricky. Because of how I see gender "fluidly", it's easy to really nail the expression, but it gets tricky for me to get them fully different. Getting a character to feel their gender is complicated to me more than just a specific gender. 

Q3. If you could be a character in this book, who would you be? 

A3- I'm actually not so sure of who. But I would choose a very specific character that kinda unites everyone. Because of the fact that, to me, the characters exist in their own "realm", so I tend to not really attach so much to them in this way, I still do love them a lot, so I tend to like the idea of being the web that unites everyone in a weird way.(PS: that kind of personality matches with everyone for sure)👍

Q4. What are the essential characteristics of a hero in this book you can root for? 

A4- Empathy and the ability to grow. The main hero's main power is how she was able to navigate through waves of emotions all over the place and find what happened. They felt enough to help. She mapped the people around her out and was able to figure out what to do. (PS: she is indeed smart!)😭

Q5. When you're writing an emotional or difficult scene, how do you set the mood? 

A5-I don't really set a mood. I see my stories play out like a movie and just write whatever is happening onto the blank void. What I really need to do is kinda step away after high emotions. Because I feel them just as strongly, I need a cooldown no matter what.(PS: nice)👍

Q6. How many hours a day do you write? 

A6- I don't have a number as I tend to write in blocks in-between months. Because of my mental health and how I tend to write, it takes big chunks of time for me to get back into writing. It's almost embarrassing but I also do write huge amounts when finally on a roll. Proof of this is the fact that updates for this story came months apart but in chunks of at least 3 chapters.(PS: you should update on your own choice...take a rest doesn't matter how long...take care!)💜

Q7. Does writing energize or exhaust you? Or both? 

A7- Writing exhausts me. A lot. But I write so much, so quickly that it's expected. I write what I "see", so it doesn't pause for me or for time. I let it all I can get out almost at once. But! It helps me sometimes even fall asleep. It's what works for me and my brain. It works in bursts that take long recharges. My stories have a life of their own so I have to get them on that blank void before I forget them. Cause once I see them, they're gone.(PS: I can relate!)😂

 Q8. Have you ever killed off a character your readers loved? 

A8- I have killed characters off before, but I'm not sure if they were loved. Since reception is something that happens way after the events already occur, I never really know. But for Tainted, I was not in a mental state to kill any of them off. In fact, killing characters off is always the last option, because I go through too many emotions at once to just rip one of those away. (PS: killing characters should always be the last choice because it hurts)😭

Q9. How do you process and deal with negative book reviews? 

A9- It's weird how I deal with them. Because of how blank I get once the story is done, I don't remember, so negative reviews feel a little strange. However, if they are genuine criticisms, I don't consider them negative and pass the knowledge over to whatever else I'm doing as best as possible. But actual negative, "I hate this" or "This is bad", surprisingly affect me a lot at first before I kinda just remind myself that genuine hatred tends to be shallow. It's unfortunately a "you can't tell me something I haven't told myself". 

Q10. What advice would you give to a writer working on their first book?

A10- I would first off say, don't write as I do. My entire process is sometimes the complete opposite of what a lot of people "recommend" or tend to do. With that said, takes it as literal baby steps. Find your flow and even if you find it realize it can always be different. In short, allow yourself to find little by little who is the person writing and let them be. Don't overly judge yourself and don't force it out either. Another thing I would recommend is a good grammar corrector. Do learn it, but as a messy writer all around, I recommend getting it. It saves so much time and the urge to just have it be perfect.


Thank you so much @Angel_CRaZy2000 for sharing your thoughts with us and I'll hope I will see more of your masterpieces... thank you for dedicating your time to us!❤

With this I'll take my leave and will bring my new guest with me next time!

Nyeongan Fam!💚

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