🥪Chapter 22🥪

Start from the beginning

I'm seriously missing Britney. I might as well pack up and just go back cause I really don't know how I'll continue without her.

"Okay, I've got to go." She chuckled. "I love you." And with that she hung up.

I put down my phone and stared blankly at the tv screen lost in thought. Out of all things to be on my mind, Damon refuses to leave.

Why can't I stop thinking about this guy? Why can I still hear his voice in my head? Why can I still see his face every time I close my eyes?

This is just so gut wrenching. "Janelle." I heard someone say so I sat up properly only to see dad strangely looking at me.

"Yes dad." I fake smiled.

He walked up to me and took a seat next to me. "Tell me what's on your mind." He pulled me closer to him which allowed me to lay my head on his chest.

"I'm just tired daddy." My eyes started watering.

"What's the matter?" He asked sounding very concerned.

"Daddy, I want to move back in." I sat up and turned to him. "I don't wanna live on campus anymore, I wanna come back home."

Dad was quiet for a second, looking deep into my eyes in thought. "But you know you'll have to change a college then cause your college is so far from home." Dad stated the obvious.

"Dad, you know I can't change." I shook my head. "I can't leave my girls and I actually like it there, I just can't live on campus anymore."

"But baby girl, will you give us gas money cause I know damn well you don't know shit about taking the bus or train." He chuckled. "An Uber will be more expensive than gas money cause going to college and coming back home each takes 2 hours or more during traffic."

He's right though. "Ugh dad." I whined feeling helpless.

"Why exactly do you wanna come back home? Cause the last time I checked, you were ready to protest." He laughed.

I went quiet just thinking about my decision. Am I willing to change colleges? Cause dad is right, it'll be hella expensive.

But I really can't leave Britney and Daniella, those girls have become my life. "It better not be because of a boy." That was the last thing he said before dozing off on the chair.

Mom obviously told him what happened but I trust her not to have told him everything cause she knows exactly who her husband is.

I took my phone and went upstairs back to my room. I'm kinda sleepy so I might as well just take a nap before dinner time.

My phone started ring before I could even place my head on the pillow. I sighed when I saw Skylar's name flashing on my phone.

I thought of declining the call but I remember that she did nothing wrong to me. Damon is the one that wronged me but I gave him a chance to speak to me today, Skylar didn't even do shit to me.

"Hey Skylar." I said with a neutral voice cause I really don't have the strength to fake happiness.

"Oh my God Janelle, I thought you wouldn't pick up." She let out a breath of relief I guess.

"Why wouldn't I?" I acted clueless for in case she doesn't know what's going on.

"I watched the video Janelle." Her voice went low all of a sudden.

"I'm sure you did, your brother has successfully made me a laughing stock." I finally put my head down on the pillow.

"That's not true Janelle." She contradicted. "Didn't you read the comments, people are on your side. If anyone should be a laughing stock it should be him cause he really made a fool out of himself."

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