𝓢𝓪𝔂 𝓜𝔂 𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓮

Start from the beginning

Q3. What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser? 

A3. What's my writing process like? Messy. I tend to write the beginning and then rough-draft out the end, and then I'll gradually fill out the middle, often not in chronological order, which can be frustrating for my readers. If I don't work on a certain part of the story and instead focus on something that comes later, it's often happened that chapters don't appear for several weeks or even months on end, but then I spam them with chapters. I'd like to think I'm in between, but I lean more towards a pantser. I have a general idea of what I want to do and there's a drafted chapter at the top of all my stories with the title 'story notes' - there, I write down plot ideas I need to remember and also small scenes or starters that aren't enough to get their own chapters yet. There's chapters ordered after chapters that are set way earlier or even after, because I haven't hammered out the details of what happens in between. I often write little snippets of scenes and then fill them out, like with the chapter 'exterminate'. I wrote the scene of Hyunjin killing the guards before I wrote the start of the chapter, and then I added in the part with San. And it started out as an idea I had in the middle of school, so I had to write the chapter in the middle of my biology notebook and then thrash it out later on at home. I also suffer from writers' block frequently, so it's sometimes difficult when you're someone that doesn't plan that much. What I try to do then is examine where the story is going, what I want to happen later on and what will lead to that. Sometimes I write down ideas before I think of them, but if I'm really suffering I try to take a look at my characters, see how they've developed and what they would do, instead of what I want them to do. I've gotten into arguments with my characters before (and I know that sound weird) because they want to jump into a dangerous situation but I don't want them to. But they're really stubborn, so then I have to get them out of it.(PS: I like it how you answer for the questions so briefly and detailed)💜

Q4. What risks have you taken with your writing that have paid off? 

A4. When I speak honestly through my characters. A lot of them come from the darker parts of my mind, because I always bottle up my bad emotions and they end up coming out through my writing. So I'd say being honest is a massive risk, for some people and for me, but I think it's gone well, because I can format my honesty in a way that it can be subtle or not. Also, making real-life people be different in my books. It can give them a bad image or the wrong impression sometimes, like (surprise shoutout) the San in Innocent, or pretty much everyone in Say My Name. There's also my style of writing, which tends to fluctuate a lot. And sometimes I restrict my ideas, which restricts my characters. Literally? Sending my characters into life-or-death situations and not letting up when they think they've gotten out. Also, I love cliffhangers and suspense way too much, but it goes well for the very action-type books I've written. (PS: don't bottle up your emotions dear, show them to someone who you fully trust...some people can take advantage of your emotions...and it feels really bad...I have experienced it)😔

Q5. Do you play music while you write — and, if so, what's your favorite? 

A5. I almost never listen to ATEEZ songs while writing unless they're soft or quiet, or maybe ballads. There's a specific playlist I have for writing, but then it spills out. I very often listen to the soundtracks I've compiled for my books, adding in some songs that might not be in the book. I love listening to songs that set the mood, but I can't listen to songs that make me wanna dance. There are, however, some exceptions, when I get so absorbed into my writing that instead of paying attention to the music, it's blocking out other distractions. Sometimes the music itself becomes a distraction, though, and I need to turn it off for a second, lean back, close my eyes and think. The ATEEZ song 'Pirate King' is what originally inspired my book - actually, the whole pirate theme itself. 'THANXX' kinda cinched it for me, and 'Say My Name' brought the thing full circle. I get a lot of my inspiration from songs! (PS: I don't regret of my decision to start stanning ATEEZ and never will)💘

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