• 9 • - "𝚠𝚒𝚏𝚎"

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"God, how stupid can you be?

"Oh trust me Hozuki." You raised your head up so that you were facing him, "I'd bet my right eye that my brain shrunk while I was in the womb."

Hozuki's face scrunched up slightly before scolding (Y/n) for being unfocused, and pushed her back into their sea of work. Receiving a grunt from her followed by muttered complaints. Before long, the sky melted into a deep ombré of yellows, oranges and pinks. And just in time too, as (Y/n) was just finishing up.

She'd realized that Hozuki disappeared from his desk. Probably out on another errand again. She sighed, stood up and popped her fingers. (Y/n) noticed a group of animals walking towards her desk. There were three animals. A white dog, a monkey, and a pheasant.

The trio caught her eye, are animals allowed in Enma court? The group walked (flew? crawled?) up to her and introduced themselves.

"Hi! I'm Shiro, I don't think you're from here. who are you?" The white dog asked, seeming excited at the sight of a newcomer. "Oh, and this is Rurio and Kakisuke." Shiro pointed his paw at the bird and the monkey.

"(L/n) (Y/n), I started working here this morning, and I'll probably be working here the rest of my afterlife." (Y/n) mumbled the last part of her sentence, still a little annoyed that she was brought here so abruptly.

"Cool! Are you here to ask Hozuki sama for something?" Shiro asked, his tail wagging side to side.

"Not really, I'm his—" you could barely finish speaking before you were so rudely interrupted by a certain man at the end of the hall.

"Oh, you three. What brings you here to my desk?" Hozuki had turned the corner to see his assistant and animal friends.

Shiro excitedly ran up to him and begun to speak. "Hozuki sama! We were hoping to..."

(Y/n) quickly slipped out of the conversation, not wanting to deal with the growing crowd, and wandered off to her dorm to catch up on some well needed sleep.


Until she was awoken from her bed by the voice of an angered woman.

"DON'T SHUT THE DOOR!" They screamed.

"We have enough English teaching materials here." Another voice replied, that of which you recognized as Hozuki's.

The hell? (Y/n) scowled, it's twelve in the fucking morning!

"I'm not here to sell anything, can't you tell by how I'm dressed?!" The woman shouted even louder. "DON'T SHUT ME OUT! At least let me introduce myself..."

(Y/n) groaned and leaned against her door. Was this a common occurrence? She sure hoped not, otherwise, her stay at Enma court would be a real pain. Maybe if she just waited, they would go away. Perhaps—

"What is it you don't like about me? My face? My voice?! HEY!" The sounds of a fist banging on wood were soon replaced with the jostle of a doorknob.

What in the fuck.

"Don't lock me out! I just want to return the favor!"

Return the favor? What did Hozuki do this time... (Y/n) turned back to her door, pushing her ear up against it so she could hear the voice. It was getting more and more annoying with the passing second.

"Open up! If you take me as your bride, you'll see for yourself!" It cried, "I'll be a good wife, okay?"

Okay, now (Y/n) was pissed. Why? She didn't know, but the sudden mention of marriage was irking her. Goddamnit if this woman was cutting her sleep short, she's also waking Hozuki up. Which means more work in the morning to come! Yea... that's why I'm angry, right?

"You rescued a crane." The obnoxious voice switched to an eerie one, "so it's customary practice, to welcome the woman who shows up afterwards— OUCH!"

(Y/n) had reluctantly opened her door to reveal a woman dressed in a traditional Japanese wedding dress, with blacked out eyes and a determined expression. Ignoring the fact that Hozuki looked like he had the situation covered, she grabbed onto the lady's hair and pulled her out of the way.

"Oi, do you have any idea how much noise you're making?" (Y/n) grumbled, throwing the woman off to the side before turning her attention to Hozuki. "And you, why didn't you kick her out? You could've done it earlier and it saves me the trouble of doing it myself."

He simply shrugged and shut his door, being able to feel (Y/n)'s menacing glare from behind the wood. She grabbed the now-crane by the neck and dragged it outside of Enma court. Soon returning to her abode and crashing onto the creaky bed.

"Man, and just as I thought I was gonna get some proper sleep..."

(Y/n) quickly dosed off, her soft snores echoing off the thin wooden walls.

(818 words)


"Goddamnit!" - Hozuki x reader • Hoozuki no reitetsu •Where stories live. Discover now