Hozuki Headcannons

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Yea have some headcannons while you wait for my next chapter because I'm out of brain juice and I need to spill away all the excess to properly concentrate:

Dates with Hozuki:

Mans likes to treat you right, so it's no surprise that he'd probably take you to somewhere nice to eat for a first date. Once you guys get more familiar with one another, he becomes more leisurely with you. So walks around Enma court or watering the goldfish plants together are commonplace. Or maybe a trip to Disney Land because the anime says so. Occasionally during the evenings, he'll pop his head into your room and ask if you wanna watch TV together. Of course you'd say yes.

What Hozuki would do with a sick (Y/n) [can demons even get sick??]:

He'd be worried, but the he's been around for like what? 2000? 3000 years? He knows how to deal with a little cough. He'd probably visit a pharmacy if you only have something simple like a cold or a fever. But not before making sure you're comfortable in your room. If worst comes to worse and you're really sick, he'd be a bit more frantic (just by a little though) and would go up to Hakutaku's store and ask for help/advice. But he detests doing this, so normally he sticks to going to hell's pharmacies.


He knows what a period is, he know that women go through it once a month and their mood will change. But what he doesn't know is how to deal with it. First he'd be confused as to why (Y/n) hadn't showed up for work, and why when he tries to knock on her door she doesn't respond. So like any good partner, he'll WAIT AT YOUR FUCKING DOOR FOR A RESPONSE. Knocking every few minutes to see if he can get a response. When he does, he's greeted to a very disheveled and pissed off (Y/n). He'd question you first, and once you tell him it's that time of the month, he understands and gets back to work. By then, theres like a million carts of scrolls waiting for him at his desk. But he doesn't mind, making sure his partner is alright is worth the trouble.

Hozuki's cooking:

He's really good at cooking, like really good at it. But only for really fancy occasions like a grand banquet or a really important meeting. Food for a regular night isn't really his expertise, however he still makes some pretty good food.

Can Hozuki dance?:

No. He can't dance for shit. I'm not sure if this contradicts the anime but as far as I know, I can twist and bend the narrative as much as I want. So in this fanfiction, he's horrible at dancing and will definitely trip/stumble if he attempts to do so. (Y/n) on the other hand isn't amazing (however still better than him by a small margin) at dancing, but will definitely learn it if given the chance for the sole reason of poking fun at Hozuki.

okay I'm done I hope you liked this, if you do, please mention it so I can make another.

(513 words)

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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