• 2 • - "𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚍"

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"I don't think Hozuki sama would say such a thing about great king Enma-"

"He totally would."
"I absolutely would."

"Ah Hozuki san! I didn't notice you there, how's my favorite sadist doing?" You recognized the cold voice coming from behind you, a shit eating grin made its way onto your face.

"I am not a sadist, and I am doing fine thank you." Hozuki side eyed you, your obnoxious smile only getting wider, "and I had come here for the monthly report, Karashi san."

There wasn't really much to say, the torment has been going smoothly. And when anything got out of hand, well, (Y/n) would have a say in that. An overall productive month in thief mauler hell.

(Y/n) looked bored at the scene in front of her. She hated how monotonous these conversations were, and so (Y/n) was glad that they never lasted long. She attempted to sit back down onto what used to be a slab of stone, which she had forgotten was now turned into rubble, and instead stumbled on the pile of rocks. Eventually tripping backwards and letting out an audible "SHIT-" as she rubbed her neck. Wincing at the now bruised skin.

"I see, well thank you for the report. I'll be be on my way then-" Hozuki turned his head towards the sound to discover (Y/n) on the ground.

"Motherfucker..." (Y/n) cursed.

"Are you alright (L/n) san?" Hozuki lent a hand as you gladly took it.

"Thanks, I'm fine." You straightened your posture and turned around so that the wound was visible, "it's just a bruise, see?"

Hozuki nodded his head in acknowledgment, and turned towards the exit.

"Oh and Hozuki,"

"What is it?"

"Tell king Enma that I decline his request, to be assistant chief of staff." (Y/n) said. Please don't ask why please don't ask why pleasedontaskwhy.

He paused.

"And why is that?" Hozuki inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Just my luck.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment while thinking of a way to word her next sentence without angering the workaholic. If she told him the truth and said she didn't want all the extra responsibilities, he would certainly put her through a painfully dull lecture explaining that "every demon has to play their part" and how "this is hell". And then proceed to wack her with his club, drag her to Enma court, and that make her work there anyways.

"Well, it's just that..." you stopped to try and remember what you were about to say, "I really enjoy my work here in thief mauler hell and I don't really plan on leaving....?"

"Is that so? Well, Karashi's report says otherwise." Hozuki's face darkened, "I heard you were getting bored of the work here. Something about how there's nothing here to do? Karashi also mentioned that you didn't want to do the extra work?"

"Ehe..." (Y/n)'s eye twitched as she grabbed her claymore, and turned towards the women's dorms. She knew Hozuki wouldn't follow her into there, he was too decent for that, "SAYONARA HOZUKI SANN!"

(Y/n) made a mad dash out of thief mauler hell with Hozuki following just a few meters behind. Metal club over his shoulder and everything.

"I'd rather not do this (L/n)." Hozuki sighed as he tailed her.


The other by standing demons that weren't already looking turned their head towards the ruckus and just watched in awe. What a lively start to the day, everyone always wondered why the two weren't neck to neck by now. Guess they'll never know.

Although (Y/n) had planned to run towards the dormitories, Hozuki had somehow managed to chase her all the way back to Enma court. Forcing her into a pretty tight spot. Alright, so this is what's happening. Should I try to run past Hozuki and flee? Or do I stay and succumb to my fate?

(Y/n), being the indecisive fool she was, decided it was a good idea to eeiny meeny miny mo her way out of this. And so it landed on the former choice. Alright, if I'm going to get past him, I'm gonna have to run like I really mean it!

Hozuki had a firm hold on (Y/n)'s collar as she squirmed to get out of his grasp. Ultimately failing to get away.

"Are you stupid or are you stupid?"

"Shut the fuck up."

(752 words)

"Goddamnit!" - Hozuki x reader • Hoozuki no reitetsu •Where stories live. Discover now