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There's so much fire.

What's going on again?

(Y/n) slowly sits up to the sight of amber flames illuminating the dirt roads as she watched her once quaint and peaceful village reduce to ashes.

Ah, so that's what happened.

It all happened so fast, the desperate screams, the taste of blood, the nauseating and distinctive smell of burning flesh. All of it so that some greedy bastards could have some extra pocket cash.

(Y/n) tried to run, but got caught in the frenzy of people attempting to get away, eventually falling to the ground in defeat and was knocked out on impact. She had lost a lot of blood and had several burns along with all the smoke in her lungs.

I thought dad was going to bring us out for dango today, well that was a fucking lie.

A scowl painted itself across (Y/n)'s face as her eyes narrowed. She knew she wouldn't be able to make it, that was obvious enough, death was upon her. (Y/n) just wanted it to be over and done with, the feeling of blood made her yukata feel sticky and uncomfortable along with the sickening smell of smoke. But she wouldn't die without cursing her killers first.

I'll see you in hell you fucking dipshits. I'll make sure your afterlife won't be without torment. Damn you, damn this world...


(Y/n) jolted upwards at the sound of her own voice, wasn't I supposed to be dead? How can I even be sitting up right now? She focused her eyes and took a look at her surroundings. Ignoring the bloodstained walls and taking notice a little white rabbit with black tips at its ears. It wore an eerily blank expression, but to be fair, rabbits don't really have expressions.

"Oh you're awake, I'm Karashi, welcome to he-"

"IT SPOKE!" (Y/n) shrieked, cutting off the rabbit.

"How rude, I am not an 'it'. For your information, I am a female." Karashi scoffed "and it seems that the demon flames have taken an interest in you."

"The what now?"

"Demon flames, now continuing where we left off, welcome to hell (Y/n)!"


Character profile:
Name : (Y/n) (L/n)
Age (during time of death) : 24
Race : Asian (Japanese)
Appearance : whatever you want/look like, and she wears a simple grey and white yukata, when it comes to work, she doesn't really care for clothing as long as it's seen as appropriate.
Cause of death : blood loss
Likes : dango, (insert likes)
Dislikes : fire, (insert dislikes)
Personality : blunt, hates beating around the bush ("get to the point already"), emanates crackhead energy, can hold quite the grudge, keeps up to date with the current slang, would throw king Enma against a spiked wall if given the chance, says "ohohoho" a lot when around Hozuki (and only Hozuki, however he hasn't noticed this) and you're really really dense, (because you hold the strong belief that nobody sane would ever take an interest in you).

TL;DR, essentially if you mixed Undyne and beidou's personality together you get (Y/n).

(504 words)

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