• 6 • - "𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑"

211 12 1

"Well, that was certainly entertaining!"

Ah yes, the morning rays of sunlight. Our (Y/n) is sleeping soundly in her dorm room, quietly snoring as her blanket moved ever so slightly-


-As she rolls over head first over the bed and onto the hard wooden floor. Ouch.

(Y/n) scowled at her unpleasant awakening, shielding her eyes from the radiance of the early hours. She rubbed behind her head and groaned, I hope that didn't leave a bruise... (Y/n) got up from her sorry position and began to stretch, popping her joints in the process and proceeded to go on with her morning routine.


A Monday, the first day (Y/n) was going to experience working at Enma court. A day to be remembered and cherished, at least, that's what most of hell saw it as. To (Y/n) it was simply another inconvenient mishap on her behalf. A mountain of work awaiting her at (Y/n)'s newly placed desk. It was hardly something to be celebrated.

So with a heavy sigh, She trudged over to her new workplace and sat down on the small black chair. To the right of (Y/n)'s new table, was another, with the exact same design on it.

However, this one seemed worn and scrolls were piled upon one another and looked like they on the edge of tipping over. In the corner of the desk, was a little green mug. It held pens with goldfish ornaments on top of it. And with that, the individual who was in charge with all that chaos. Hozuki sat writing away at the almost never ending paperwork, only glancing up for a second to acknowledge the other presence in the hall.

"Good morning (Y/n), I heard you shouting in your room. Did something happen?" Hozuki greeted.

"Yea, fell over and gave myself a minor concussion. My day was great thank you- I fucking screamed Hozuki are you that smooth in the brain?" (Y/n) snapped back, still irked at the rude disturbance of her slumber. Choosing to ignore the fact that she had brought it upon herself.

"I'm glad to hear that." Hozuki replied dryly. Clearly he was far too absorbed in his job to pay proper attention to what (Y/n) was saying. "Now get to work, you can pick up some scrolls from that wheelbarrow-" he pointed over to a wooden cart,"-and start by-"

Hozuki droned on and on about the endless tasks (Y/n) would have to complete by the end of the day. And frankly, she paid little to no mind to what he was instructing her to do. Although she was able to get a hold of a faint outline on how to get her work done.

So with a reluctant groan and the thump of scrolls hitting her table. (Y/n) whipped out a pen and started relentlessly going through the material as she painstakingly got to work. Motivated to get her work done early to hopefully catch a short break.


Hozuki was too focused with his job to notice the sound of your pen scribbling on paper decline. He turned around to see (Y/n)'s head buried underneath crossed arms. Her body subtly rose up and down, hand still clutching a black pen.

She looked... horrible, to say the least. Her hair was a tangled mess and her face told stories of an unfulfilling night's rest. But despite that, as much as Hozuki wanted to let the poor woman rest, hell depended on her being conscious. He stood up and walked to where (Y/n) sat, and pat her shoulder lightly.

"(Y/n) san, please refrain from falling asleep at your desk during working hours. I suggest you wake up and continue with-"



He simply stared at the individual, attempting to process what (Y/n) had just said.

"Are you telling me that what I had stated was dumb?" Hozuki looked like he was about to punch (Y/n) in the face. But despite that, she remained completely unfazed.

"Sorry that was just an instinct of mine. Did it all the time in mauler's, scared the shit outta the sinners." (Y/n) replied, defending herself. Holding her hands up in a surrendering position, supposedly to add some extra sarcasm.

Hozuki let out an almost silent tch and returned to his desk to continue writing. Whilst (Y/n) played with her pen for a while before actually doing what she was supposed to.

This job fucking sucks.

(776 words)


Jesus this took a long time to write, sorry for my absence. I hope you all can be patient with me. Have a good evening/noon/morning!

Also also, I changed the cover. Sorry for  any confusion I may have caused.

"Goddamnit!" - Hozuki x reader • Hoozuki no reitetsu •Where stories live. Discover now