• 7 • - "𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝."

193 9 4

This job fucking sucks.

"Ah finally! All done..." (Y/n) declared, exasperated at the heaps of work she had been subjected to.

Many of the things she was assigned mainly required her to sign in specific areas, or stamp her seal on some others. Either way, despite the paperwork seeming rather easy. It was tremendously tedious and it's repetitiveness wore (Y/n) down. But soon enough the cart she was given had been emptied.

She placed her new (but already halfway drained) pen down with a sigh of relief and turned around to face Hozuki. The two stared at one another for a while before (Y/n) thought of anything to say.

"So... are you done with your stuff?" (Y/n) begun a pathetic attempt to start a conversation, and turned away the second a word left her mouth.

"Yes, I have long since finished. Although this extra paperwork I'm doing was given to me by Enma sama." Hozuki replied.

Why does he always sound so monotonous? (Y/n) thought to herself, pondering on how Hozuki is able to mask his emotions so well. Maybe she would try to do learn that, after all, it would be a better fit to her now job.

"Wait, so what you said was true?" (Y/n) tried to continue their leisurely chat.

"What do you mean?" Hozuki replied, now looking at the individual.

"Y'know," (Y/n) brought up a previous talk they had, "the one time you told me Enma sama was a slacker."

Hozuki's eyes slightly widened for a split section, and of course, (Y/n) noticed.

"Ohohoho... is Hozuki san surprised?" (Y/n) sneered.

Her mouth widened into a grin comparable to that of the Cheshire cat's. Something she was probably overexcited about, but we're talking about Hozuki. How was she not going to annoy the shit out of him for showing a fraction of emotion? And right after she had questioned them mere moments ago?

"Yes indeed, I am surprised that our conversation didn't slide right over your exceedingly smooth brain." Hozuki retorted , "You have this pattern of remembering the stupidest things."

Everyone knows that in shows, there is always a moment where a character realizes or hears something. And that line would cut to the quality and color of the scene to decrease immensely for about a second. Normally following with a crack in the frame. We will be calling these scenarios, screen cracks.

And so therefore, something equivalent to a "screen crack" played out in (Y/n)'s two braincells. Letting out a sarcastic cough whilst mentally piecing back her already small and recently shattered ego.

"Well whatever, I'm going to the cafeteria before Enma dumps more paperwork on me!" (Y/n) declared, a tick mark appearing on her face as she stormed off. Carrying her claymore over her shoulder, much like how Hozuki holds his.

Hozuki sighed as he stared at his friend. His chin was relaxed onto his palm, momentarily breaking his formal stance. But soon after returning to his usual self. Of course, not before whispering something to himself.

"What am I going to do with that girl..."

"Damn that Hozuki... I'll really bash his skull in the next time I see him!" (Y/n) fumed, slamming her fist against the wooden table whilst aggressively chewing rice.

"And why is that?" A certain golden-eyed demon asked.

Lady Oko was kind enough to offer (Y/n) a seat after seeing her wander around the lunchroom. (Y/n) quickly agreed, glad someone came to her.

"Reasons unimportant." (Y/n) retorted, and proceeded to push away her bowl of rice.

"I see, and why aren't you eating your meal?" Lady Oko questioned, concerned for her newfound friend.

"Oh, I'm just not that-." (Y/n) started.

"Hello (L/n) san!" A voice you recognized shouted, soon after following his exasperated friend.

"If you're suddenly going to jump of your chair and go running off, at least say so Nasubi!" Karauri retorted. Moving his attention to you and Oko before apologizing and greeting the both of you.

"Oh, it's alright Karauri san. I'm glad to see the both of you!" Lady Oko ignored Nasubi's rude interruption and returning the kind words.

"Well I'm certainly not," (Y/n) tapped Nasubi's shoulder and squeezed it so hard he was sure blood was going to spill. "How dare you disrupt me."


(734 words)

"Goddamnit!" - Hozuki x reader • Hoozuki no reitetsu •Where stories live. Discover now