Asgore simply stared at him in shock before his body faded into ash, his soul appeared for a few moments before shattering, signifying his departure from the mortal realm. 

He stared quietly at the throne, waiting for the others to finish. With each life gone he felt the world become...looser and looser like it was melting. 

He quietly walked into Asgore's garden, took a flower, set on on the ashes of the once-mighty king. He may have been a terrible person, but he was also broken. It didn't feel fair to just ignore the fact that he just killed someone.

"Hmmm, someone's getting rather sentimental, aren't they?" Nightmare drawled, appearing from the shadows. Getting a startled yelp from the kid as he did. 

The goopy skeleton walked slowly towards him, eyeing the pile of dust. "So, you've done it." Chasm nodded solemnly, his lip pressing into a thin line. 

"...Come with me." Nightmare suddenly ordered, gesturing to a portal he just created. Chasam gave him a confused look but did as he was told.

He stepped in and-


- Immediately clutches his head in pain.

"Wh-what's the heck is that noise!?" He complained, slowly looking up.

His eyes go wide.

In front of him was New Home, but it was melting. The buildings were the things making that abysmal racket. They were somehow alive, laughing, crying, screaming. The room seemed to be expanding and more and more buildings showed up, joining the others howling, crying or screaming. 

It was horrific, and he couldn't be any happier when Nightmare decided to teleport him back to Asgore's throne room. He gasped, kneeling, tears threatening to be let loose. He glanced up at Nightmare,

"W-What was that!?" He nearly shrieked at the King Of Nightmares, he was too shaken by...whatever he saw to really care about formalities. 

"That is what we call, a Spiral Outbreak. You know how Ink creates with his Ink right? Well, he's reckless and careless. He never cleans up after himself. And his ink isn't just normal Ink, it holds the power of creation." Nightmare explained with a scowl.

"So, all that creation magic mixes, and then spirals down, into what you saw today." Chasam trembled a bit as he got up.

"Does...Does Ink even know this happens?" He asked shakily.

"Why would he? This only happens with AU's in the Outer-Ring, and to him, it just looks like a colorful blob. We're the ones who have to clean up the mess he made."

"B-By...destroying AU's?"

"Yes," Fatal teleported beside them, covered in dust. "Or rather, destroy the AU's that Ink was messy with while making them, and in turn, take them down too." 

He glanced at Nightmare. "I've managed to connect this world to at least 500 others, when we destroy this world, we should at least clean up a small bit of the Multiverse."

"Good, that might take a bit of our workload, but it's also gonna alert the council..." Nightmare trailed off with a frown.

"They were going to find out about us anyway," Fatal responded evenly.

"It's not that I'm worried about."

"We're done!" The murder trio arrives from Asgore's doorway, covered in dust, and in Horror's case, blood as well. "Sorry we took so long, that skeleton was rather sneaky but we got him."

"Good, that means we're done here." Nightmare glances at Chasm, "Now, do your thing."

Chasam nodded meekly, before closing his eyes and focusing, the world around him felt like glass, and he punched through it, grasping for the energy in between the seams. He let his hand out and manifested the energy into the ERASE Button

He opened his eyes and stared at the button for a moment, before bringing his hand down and pressing it.

The world around them shattered, and five hundred followed suit.




A soul thumped in chains.

His physical body was gone. 

These chains stopped it from coming back.

He could feel the Multiverse get more cluttered, cluttered, and cluttered.

They didn't have much time left, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of bitter satisfaction at that fact. 

Maybe when they all scramble together to save their multiverse, only to realize they could only save it through destruction, he could at least attempt to imagine the horrified shock on their faces as he had the bitter last laugh.

Suddenly the soul thumped louder.

He felt it, a chain of destruction, it wasn't much, but enough to slightly back the multiverse's demise. 

He felt confused, he felt something similar to his code out there.

He wondered, was the Multiverse as doomed as he thought it was?

He couldn't help but feel hope, hope that whoever was behind this, would actually succeed.

Just maybe, someone could salvage this wreck of Multiverse.

Undertale AU'S- The Void's Wrath- A Forced God Of Destruction Error StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon