Chapter 12: The Deal

Start from the beginning

"Hahahaha did you word it like that?"

"Yes I did, most of them just wanted the thrill of pulling out, but I never wanted to risk something like that. So yeah. But I've been thinking about it more often now."

He stiffened paused the movie and looked at you, you felt heat coming to your face, so you pulled the blankets over your head. You couldn't believe you actually admitted that to one of your best friends. 

"You've been thinking about what more often now?"

"Family and the possibility starting my own. I told myself that if i wasn't married by 28 I would get a sperm donor and do it that way."

"I don't think you'll have to worry about that Y/N. I think you'll find someone who wants to be with you."

"You never know though." You sighed. Attempting to turn the movie back on you reached for the remote but he took it out of your reach.

"How about this then? If you or me don't find someone special, we marry each other. We get married and we have babies, as many as you want." You thought he'd lost his mind.


"Think about it, think about how much better that would be. The baby wouldn't wonder why they don't have a dad. You and me already like each other, we get a long we know each other's deepest secrets and we understand each other. Plus we're great at communicating. What do you say Y/N?"

You thought about it, and yes while it did sound crazy it did make sense. You knew a few people who's parent(s), had done IVF and they wanted to know more about who the donor was. You looked at Zoro, he wasn't smiling or frowning he looked so serious you realized that he in fact wasn't kidding. 

"Okay." You said.

"Yeah?" Now he was smiling. Making you laugh.

"Yeah, shake on it?" He looked at your hand than back to your face.

"How about we kiss on it?"

What? He wants to kiss? 

You were trying to wrap your head around what he had just proposed. He lifted his calloused hand to your cheek and stared at your lips. Your heart beat started to pound like a drum and your blood started to flow faster through your veins. You stared at him, he stared at you. You leaned in closer and so did he. 

His lips were warm and a little dry, but you didn't mind it. At first it was just your lips meeting each other, but then you placed your hand on his, he licked your lips asking for entrance you barely parted your mouth before he invaded your mouth with his tongue.

"Mmmm." You couldn't help the noise that came from your mouth. And he took it as an invite to deepen the kiss even more, you didn't think that was possible but apparently he did. He pushed you down on the bed and was now on top of you.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your stomach. You were moving against each other's mouths barely breathing. It wasn't until his hands touched your bare back that you thought you were getting a little too heated. That suspicion was only confirmed when you broke the kiss to one breath, and two tell him that the deal had been sealed. 

He went from your mouth to under your ear. Causing an involuntary moan to leave your mouth.

"Ahhh Z-Zo-Zoro. We ahhh, we need to s-stt-aahhh."

This wasn't good you were getting carried away, led by pure lust an emotion that you'd never felt towards the man ever, until now. But something told you that he had felt this way about you for a long time but never did anything about it.

You finally got the stregnth to push him away from you, and that seemed to break whatever trance he was in. You both were panting, both flushed and maybe just a little embarrassed.

"I guess we wouldn't have an issue with sexual attraction either." You jested. He gave a strained laugh than booped his forehead against yours.

"No fucking shit. Damn that's the best kiss I've had in a while. You're dangerous."

You giggled. Looking at the clock it was almost 11pm, you should've been in bed a while ago. Tomorrow was not going to be fun at work.

"Zoro, it's ah, getting late."

"Yeah it is." But neither of you moved. "Can I maybe stay the night? I promise I won't do anything I just would really like to be around you right now."

You were about to say no. But really why should you, you and Law weren't together anymore and as far as you were concerned you both just needed familiar company and that's why you had had sex at the hospital.

"Okay but uh, I should tell you that I have to get up by 4am."

"I should be okay if we go to sleep in the next 30 minutes, He smiled. "I'll stay in my clothes too."

You sighed and nodded your head again, he kissed your forehead and then went to get up.


"I uh need to take of something real quick. Go ahead to get comfortable. I'll join you in a little while." You blushed when you realized what he meant. 

<Zoro's POV>

Twenty minutes later, he was coming out of the bathroom. He's jerked off and then waited another 10 to make sure he was good. He still couldn't believe that you had agreed to it! He had said it more as a joke, and you had taken him seriously. And then when he'd asked if he could kiss you, he honestly thought you would've said no. But when you leaned in, he had been over joyed. Now you were going to let him sleep over. 

I can't believe the girl of my dreams agreed to not only marry me if we didn't find someone by 28, but she agreed to have a family with me. Holy shit! Holy shit! This is amazing.

He couldn't help the smile that was on his face, he was way too damn happy for his own good. When he came out, you were passed out. you faced the front door with your back to the balcony. You looked so small and cute he couldn't help but smile again. Thinking about the kiss again. 

He sneaked under the covers to join you, then pulled you into him spooning you. He kissed the back of your head, and went to sleep with the smell of your shampoo deep in his nose. 

"Good night Y/N." He fell asleep quickly and peacefully. Something that he didn't think would be possible with you being next to him, clearly he was wrong. So wrong that he didn't hear his phone go off or check to see who it was. 

Ping. Ping.

Law:'re my friend we've been friends since college, but I will not allow you to take Y/N away from me. I love her too much to lose her for good! We're meeting soon to talk about us. So don't get your hopes up!

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