Chapter 11: A day with Pops & unexpected encounter

Start from the beginning

"Just what I've seen on the internet. They corner the market in everything having to do with sweats. And even own quite a few bakeries."

"Do you know who that young man was yesterday. The one who came in to pick up the coffee cakes?"

"Mr. Katakuri yes."

"He is Linlin's second oldest, and he is the one who will inherit majority of the business. He is known for being ruthless and manipulative when he and the family find something they like. And with him showing up to "talk business with you" as he put it yesterday. I'm worried about you honey."

You thought about it, Mr. Katakuri was responsible for your sales sky rocketing for your cakes: he boug between 20-50 every other day. Now you were thinking he had his family try them. And now they wanted that recipe.

"Shit." You put your head in your hands. "So what now?" You were stressing out again, the Charlotte family was known for being ruthless business people. And were a tiny little speck that they could wipe the floor with.

You felt Pops' big hand land on your head, he had a carefree smile on his face, the one that always helped you feel safe and secure. He was what you called a real manly man, and he wasn't ashamed of it. He liked being a man, he liked being strong and intimidating, along with being loving and forgiving, those things made him a dependable boss and a loving father, and he raise his boys to be the same, while teaching them to be in touch with their emotions.

"I'm going to keep them away from you honey. I am going to invest in your business. I'm going to give you $1 million."

Your eyes popped out of your head. You couldn't believe it.

"But Pops..." he held up his hand to keep you quiet.

"I will be nothing than a silent business partner. You will have all freedoms to make your own choices. If you ever need my help for anything I will only do what you ask nothing more and nothing less."

You wanted to cry, truthfully there was so much you wanted to do with Sweet Beans but didn't have the funds for it. With this you could bring on Nami and even make merchandise. You didn't realize you'd actually started crying until Pops pulled you in for a hug.

"I wanted to make this work bad. I wanted to prove I was a smart business woman. I wanted to show you I could do it." You kept crying while yes you were getting money, you had to have help from Pops. Again.

"Honey you have proved it a thousand times over. You got a scholarship for school, and have always worked for everything you have, even when you didn't need to. I am more than proud of you. But yesterday seeing you faint, knowing that I could've been helping you, it made me feel like a failure as your Dad."

You didn't think you could cry anymore but you did.

"That was my own fault, and I had a great nights sleep last night." Mostly due to the sex but you didn't need to tell him that. "Hey Pops, you mind if we hit the stores, all this emotion put me in the retail therapy kind of mood."

He smiled again, ruffling your hair. Walking out of the coffee shop you headed up the road stopping by each store, Pops had gotten some things too and didn't let you pay for anything. It wasn't until you went into a craft store to look around that your phone went off again. This time from a number you didn't recognize.

Unknown: Hello this is Katakuri. I figured this was your personal number from when you called me the other day. I went to your cafe and was told by your manager you were taking a day off. If you are free I would like to meet and discuss a business venture with you regarding your coffee cakes. This is my personal cell phone number, text  me when you're free.

Well he wasted no time.

You ignored it, you figured he'd be coming by tomorrow when you would be back at work. Instead you sent a text to Nami telling her that she was hired. And that you'd gotten an investor. You sent the same text to Barto.

"Y/N?" You turned to see someone you never expected to see in a craft store. It was Eustass Kid, he had a whole bunch of metal in his basket.

"Hey, I haven't seen you at the cafe in a while, I take it business is good?"

"Yeah you're word of mouth got us a lot of people interested. But the thing that pushed it over the edge was a review from Newgate Marco."

"Yeah? I'm glad things are going well for you."

It got quiet again, Kid scratched his head and you decided to mention his items when his phone rang.

"Yeah? Uh huh. What? Oh, yeah she's fine. Cause I'm standing in front of her. What?" He looked at you. "I mean she seems fine. I'll call you back." He hung up, then his frown on his face made you worried. "Did you faint the other day?"

"Yeah due to stress and lac of sleep." He looked like he wanted to say something instead he grabbed a permanent marker from the counter, grabbed your hand and started writing.

"My number save it. Text me when you feel like life is too much and I'll take you somewhere."

"Um, why? I mean I'm flattered, but we uh barely know each other."

He seemed like he was at a loss of words. A small pink tinge covered his cheeks, seeing such an embarrassing face on a big masculine guy, it made him cute making you smile.

"I mean, you're cool you also own your own business, and you give people like Cannibal another chance at a normal life. When he told me that you'd hired him over everyone else I thought you were incredible. I wanted to get to know you a little better like as friends. If that's okay?"

You looked at your hand and felt your face heat up. The only person who still did this corny stuff was Luffy, you found yourself giggling than staring at him with a smile.

"Only if you can stop by more often. Deal?" He smiled.


He went to go pay for his items when you turned Pops was there smiling at you.

"New prospect?" He nodded in Kid's direction.


"What? You young lady are my only chance at grandkids and I am not getting any younger."

"Ugh...Pops I just got out of a relationship, maybe give me a year before asking me about kids." He laughed at you and then you bought items to make jewelry like you used to do. A hobby would be good for you.

"How about we go eat dinner at Baratie? I am in the mood for fancy expensive food."

"Sounds good Pops."

With that you spent the rest of the evening talking about work and about when the next time you two would spend time together. 

When you got home, you saw Zoro's car and figured that him, Luffy and Ussop were waiting to be let in, but when you looked it was only Zoro inside the car. When you tapped on the window he jumped. Causing a giggle to leave your mouth. 

"Hey what's up stranger? Are Luffy and Ussop coming later?"

"Hey to you too, and uh, no. They were both busy, so um I though maybe it could be just you and me tonight? I brought stuff for a steak dinner. If you still want to hang out." He smiled and you just stared at him.

Just the two of us? We haven't done that in a while. It could be fun, plus I miss hanging out with Zoro.

"Okay sounds good." You turned and walked towards your door, not noticing Zoro's shy smile as he followed you into your place. 

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