《 𝘼𝙜𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙘 》(4)

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DISCLAIMER: I have no idea how Corpse's illnesses affect his body. I've done research on his illnesses but have only found the most common side effects, this is my interpretaion. I have no idea if this is actually what he goes through, but I know that he suffers severly from his illnesses and this is how I depict that.




It's been a few days since you spoke to Corpse, and the others from the Among Us game, you had fallen into a somewhat normal rountine between doctors visits, physical therapy and the numerous other amount of things you had to do. You've been working on a new single, and were trying to publish it by the end of the month. 

You were watching Netflix when you're phone rang. It was a Facetime call with an unkown number, you picked it up, but only let the camera see your ceiling. 

"Hello?" you say, curious as to who was calling you.

"Llana?" A gruff voice cut through the silence in your apartment "Is that you? Poki isn't fucking with me by giving me the wrong number is she?"

You laugh, "No Corpse, it's me"

"Good. Good."

"I just- why'd you call me Corpse?"

"Well, um I wanted to let you know that if you tried to contact me through insta, my messages don't work. And uh, I wanted to talk to you."

"Okay, just ummm, gimme a second"

"yeah, of course"

You walk into your bedroom and plop onto the bed, you set your phone up beside you, but not facing you, so he was just looking at your ceiling.

"Nice lights" he said

"Thanks." you smiled. The purple LEDs you put up were almost 2 years old, Poki actually got them for you as a Christmas gift. "Any plans to stream soon?"

"Not really-" His voice cuts off with a racking cough, you glance at your screen to see if he's okay, but at this point you can only see a ceiling fan.

"Corpse... you're camera"

"Yeah. I know"

You roll onto your back, yawning and glancing at the clock it was 3:03....am

"Oh fuck" you sigh

"What's up?" 

"I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, well, today in like 5 hours."

"Guess I kept you on the phone for longer than I expected"

"Its f-" you yawn again "It's fine Corpse, your voice makes me feel safe-" you didn't realize what you said untill it came out of your mouth "fuck... um I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable" you stifle yet another yawn. 

"It's okay" Corpse laughed "It means a lot, anyways, I let you sleep. Maybe grab a few hours before you gotta wake up again."

"Alrighty then, good night Corpse"

"Night Llana"

You heard a beep and then your screen went black. You turned it off and curled up into a ball, falling fast asleep. 




"Its f-" Llana yawned yet again "It's fine Corpse, your voice makes me feel safe-" you blushed, and then she rushed to finished her sentence. "Fuck... um I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable" she stifles yet another yawn. 

You laugh, "It's okay Llana, it means a lot." It did make you happy, but it was kinda strange that she said it given that you had just met. "Grab a few hours, before you got to wake up again okay?"

"Goodnight Corpse"

"Night Llana"

You hung up and you glanced at your hands. They were shaking. That's the reason you had hung up. If you had stayed on the call for any longer she would've known something was wrong. Your voice gets tighter when your nerves seize up, the pain is almost unbearable. 

You walk out of your bedroom to the kitchen, merely to get a glass of water. As you grab the cup from the shelf it drops, and shatters everywhere. You're breathing heavily at this point. You walk over to you couch and sit down, trying to massage your own hands, to alliviate any of the pain. You can't remember how you stopped the pain, because for the fist time in about a week or so, you fell asleep.

《  𝘼𝙜𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙘 》Where stories live. Discover now