Chapter 12🌼A Warm Welcome🌼

Start from the beginning

Dear Wilbur Soot

We have decided to edit your work schedule, we do hope this does not affect your personal life, if it is any trouble to you please contact the head of your facility. Your new schedule  has been provided below.

                               -Institute for the Strange, Supernatural and Ultra-terrestrial / ISSU

Wilbur was now working Monday-Friday, on Monday he would be working with Fundy, Tommy and Tubbo. On Tuesday-Friday, he'd be working with Schlatt, with the exception of his check ups on Techno every Thursday morning. He saw surprised to see that they had changed his shifts so suddenly. But he wasn't complaining, he'd be more than happy to spend more time with the hybrid.

The brit got up and got dressed, pulling on his black jeans, yellow jumper and lab coat. The brunette grabbed him glasses and beanie before leaving through his front door. Once the tall British boi had reached his workplace, he parked, checked in and headed to the break room. With a pop tart in him mouth, Wilbur entered to observation bay of Schlatt's room. Around the large circular table was Phil and Ponk, sipping their coffees and writing on white pieces of paper. Phil once again looked tired, he kept shifting his back uncomfortably and restlessly scribbling on the sheet in front of him with bad penmanship.

"Hey you guys" Wilbur said cheerfully "you ok Phil?". The oldest turned to the other, giving a smile and speaking in a tone that was a drastic contrast to his body language, "heya mate, I'm alright just a bit sore". "Ah yes of course, old man bones do begin to wither, don't they?" Wilbur sighed sarcastically sitting down in the chair between Ponk and Phil. The shortest giggled at Wilbur's antics, Phil was not amused though. "And how are you Ponk?" Wilbur asked, turning to face said coworker. "I'm doing good thank you for asking!" She spoke in their usual thick and calming accent. "How's it going with that Sam fella? Are the ever going to meeeeeeeeet him?~" The brunette teased, placing his chin on his knuckles and moving closer to the now blushing Ponk.

"Are you not even going to take him to the party?" Asked Phil in a tone very similar to Wilbur's, leaning back on his chair as he dragged out the A in party, pitch getting higher and higher more teasingly. "N-no I'm not taking him! It's for specimen and the facility workers only" "Yeah but last year the boss said that we could bring guests " "I'm not bringing him-" "but WHYYYYYYYYYY?" Phil and Wilbur whined simultaneously. Ponk chuckled, getting up and leaving the observation bay. Wilbur also got up, but he just walked over to the big glass window, peering in to try and spot Schlatt. The brit was disappointed when he didn't see the hybrid.

"Where's J273?" He asked turning to Phil with a confused and concerned expression. "Oh yeah, the boss moved him from block B to block F, hasn't explained why though. The builders took less time to assemble his new room, I'm pretty sure they've already put him in the new place. Wilbur was surprised, why would they put Schlatt in block F? That's where all the specimen who need further experiments go. As far as the brit knew only powerful subjects go there, to be experimented to find their true, full potential. "Do you know what room he's in?" Wilbur asked.

"Uhhhmmmmm..." Phil pondered, scanning his papers "Room F....3, room F3" the older finally said, seemingly finding the parchment that held his desired knowledge. "Alright, thanks Phil" Wilbur chirped before leaving the room and heading towards Schlatt. Once there, he swiped his card and entered the observation bay. No one was there. He looked over into the place that the ram hybrid would be living. No one was there. "Hey Wilbur" spoke a voice from behind the tall brunette. He turned quickly, his curly locks hitting against his forehead. It was the big boss' assistant, Karl Jacobs. He sat on the only chair in the room, his feet crossed and laying on the table, arms also crossed against his chest.

Wilbur's heart was pounding in his ears, he gulped. Finally stuttering out words, the taller stood up with fake confidence. "Hello Karl, what can I help you with?" The brit said to his superior, standing with his arms behind his back. "More like what can I help you with, what are you doing here?" The shorter stood up, striding towards Wilbur, stopping inches away from the brits face. Wilbur gulped again. His breathing increased. "I- I'm here to check in on the progress...if you may or may not know, J273 has been placed in my department, I see no rules against simply checking on my specimens". Karl seemed taken aback, his face was blank. The American stepped back, "of course I's just strange that your here yourself-" "why is that? Phil and Ponk are rather busy with paperwork at the moment and as you obviously know, it's Quackity's day off" Wilbur interrupted. Karl went to speak again, Wilbur one again spoke over him. "Now, J273 obviously is not here, so I will take my leave, good to see you Mr Jacobs" Wilbur walked to the door "and if I may say, maybe wear a turtleneck tomorrow~". Karl slapped a hand to his neck, his face flushing instantly as he saw his concealer was not working.

Schlatt awoke in a small silver box, he was no longer in his room. The hybrid sat up, quickly panicking. The looked to his left, sitting next to him was a large, long trenchcoat. "W-what the f-fuck?" The ram said as he picked up the coat. He pulled it over the baby blue sweater he wore. The beautiful scent of coffee, old books and cat hair hit him like a bus. "Wilbur..." Schlatt muttered. This was Wilbur's coat. The ram wrapped himself up in the coat. Sliding down the wall, he began to calm down.

The corners of the wall lit up, Schlatt immediately began to panic again. The room suddenly shuddered, almost like an elevator beginning to move. The front of the box opened, it was in-fact, an elevator. In front of the hybrid stood a tall, masked man. "Ah, J273, a pleasure to finally meet you" the man said. Schlatt felt his stomach twist, he didn't feel comfortable, something was wrong here. "Come on out, I promise I don't bite" he taller said. "Yeah but I do" Schlatt thought, wishing he had the courage to say it. Despite his screaming mind, the New-Yorker stood and made his way forward, hands tugging the trenchcoat over his shoulders, as if it was some sort of shield that would protect him from all harm and right now, Schlatt truly did believe that.

The hybrids ears were turned back. The man chuckled, "no need to be afraid, I just need you to answer a few questions, then you can get right back to your room. Hell, we'll even have Wilbur there to greet you!" Schlatt's ears perked back up immediately. "But you need to answer my questions, deal?" The mysterious man said again. The shorter waited, thinking.

After a minute, he nodded. The taller placed a hand behind his head, a clicking noise was heard, the mask slowly slipped off the Floridian's face. The first thing Schlatt noticed about the mans face was his bright neon green eyes. The hybrid was mesmerised, the longer he looked the more his mind and vision blurred. Suddenly, he lost all consciousness.

Schlatt awoke in a cold sweat hours later. He was in a different room now, but could barely take in his surroundings. The hybrids head pounded, he placed a hand to it and looked down to the floor, then he noticed it, a black device in the side of his ankle.

Hello :))
I know this was kinda all over the place and it was shitty and pretty rushed but I hope u at least liked it a little

Have a good day :DDD

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