Tails: Who's behind you? 

Sonic: Oh, meet Yuuri the hedgehog... and this little hedgehog is Akio the hedgehog...

Yuuri: H-Hi...

Tails: Woah... I never seen both of you somewhere around this town...

Sonic: It's because they're coming from other world called Amita.

Tails: WHAT?! I never thought there's another world out there!!

Sonic: I know... but for now. Can you check if Akio is still alive? He's the one who help me to get back home...

Tails: *walk to Yuuri* How old is he? He looks quite small...

Yuuri: He's 15...

Tails: Ah! Same age as Sonic but... how come he still short?

Yuuri: Uhh...

Tails: Oh, sorry if I make you confused. You can lay him down on the couch over there.

Yuuri: Okay!

*Yuuri place Akio's body on the couch and Tails continue checking on him. He listen to his heartbeat on his chest.*

Tails: He's fine... he just in coma...

Sonic: *sighs in relief* Thank god...

Yuuri: But, how long is he in coma?

Tails: Depends on his body... If his body is ultimate tired, it takes a lot of time to wait for him to wake up.

Sonic: I guess you need to stay with me, Yuuri.

Yuuri: Okay...

Tails: Don't worry, Yuuri. I'll keep an eye on Akio all the time and I'll tell you once Akio is waking up.

Yuuri: Thanks... um...

Tails: Oh, forgive me... My name is Miles Tails Prower! You can call me Tails!!

Yuuri: N-Nice to meet you Tails!

Sonic: Oh! I wonder what Shadow doing while I'm away!

Tails: Oh, about him... He always visit me to see if you're already home. I was thought, where the hell did you go all this time?

Sonic: Hehe, sorry for making you guys worried about me. Well, come on Yuuri. Let's go to my house.

*Yuuri follow Sonic to his house and show everything.*

Yuuri: Wow... it looks bigger than outside.

Sonic: Well, make yourself at home. It's gonna be a long months... is Akio always like that?

Yuuri: No... I never seen him in coma. He maybe use his full power while we travel between world and dimensions.

Sonic: I think the same thing too. I see him struggling while holding our hands. A little hedgehog like him, couldn't have such powerful energy and power. 

Yuuri: Ah! I just realized that Akio wings is withered...

Sonic: Huh?! His wings can withered? Like plants?!

Yuuri: Yeah! That's what he told me. He will grow new wings when another crescent moon appears. He said he suffering the same transformation over and over again. 

Sonic: I see... as a half-vampire, I never knew that possibly happen because no wings can grow a new one once it's damaged or cut off...

Yuuri: *groan* Ugh...

Sonic: What's wrong?

Yuuri: The travel makes me hungry... I was thinking what kind of food you have in your world.

Sonic: Well, I guess our food is the same as your food at Amita.

*Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door and Sonic quickly get it. What a surprised, Shadow is the one who's standing in front of Sonic and both of them surprised.*

Sonic: S-Shadow?!!

Shadow: Welcome home, Sonic! I knew you could came back. I heard it from Tails and I saw Akio sleep in his house so I thought, Yuuri must be here too. *saw Yuuri*

Sonic: Actually, Akio is not sleeping. He's in coma...

Shadow: Oh...sorry...

Yuuri: It's okay...

Shadow: So, how long Akio and Yuuri will stay here?

Sonic: Until Akio woke up, I guess...

Shadow: Hmm... it's gonna be a long months...

Yuuri: (They said the same thing...)

*To Be Continued*

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