chapter 17

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*with Asta 5 minutes before*

Asta:so that's pretty much all I know about my powers from what liebe told me

Julius:fascinating to think such a power exist, and it's not mana it's-

Liebe:curse energy, it's born from negative emotions of the user and pretty much everyone has this

Julius:so anyone can learn how to do what Asta can?

Liebe:no, what Asta can do does requires curse energy but only the gojo clan is able to use this power but not to the full extent Asta can with his six eyes which in terms allow Asta to use his limitless ability to its fullest but of course with that great of a power it will come with some draw backs

Asta:which is why I have to cover my eyes to reduce them so I you know I don't end up frying my brain

Julius:Asta you're a one of the most interesting people I've ever meet

Asta:[smiles] thank you, anyways mind if I head down I'm starving

Julius:go on ahead

Asta:aren't you coming with?

Julius:oh no, there is so much work to be done and I know my assistant Marx would be quite upset. You go on and enjoy your time

Asta:well alright see ya around, oh and do you mind keeping the secret about liebe a secret?

Julius:of course


As Asta gets up and head's out the door

Liebe:think we can trust him?

Asta:of course we can he is the wizard king after all, anyways let's hurry and meet up with the others I'm starving


Noelle looked at her siblings in fear

Solid approached Noelle and took the glass of water from her hand

Noelle:pl-please n-not here I beg you

Solid:[laughs] now you're begging how much more pathetic can you get

Nebra and solid began laughing hysterically

Noelle:please you can make fun of me at home b-but not he-

Noelle couldn't finish her sentence because solid poured the ice cold water on Noelle's head. Solid and Nebra laughed as they could see Noelle holding back tears, everyone that was present in the room couldn't do anything but watch as Noelle was being humiliated by her own siblings

Noelle:[whispers] pl-please stop

Noelle could feel the tears building up but she tried her best to hold them up, suddenly noelle felt the make up that Vanessa put on her earlier start to fade away. Noelle tried to cover her face but it was to late Solid and Nebra already saw the scar and were hit with digust

Solid:how repulsive for a royal to have such a mark on their face

Nebra:who would ever want such a hideous looking girl like you

Hearing Nebra say that made Noelle think of asta and she didn't know why, was it because she was afraid what he would think of her scar

Solid:it's so funny just how pathetic your life is getting

The tears that Noelle was trying so hard to hold back broke out and started rolling down her cheeks which only increased the mocking. Noelle looked around and saw the pity look every one was giving her and it made her feel worse, she had wanted to run out of the room so badly but she didn't know where else to go so she stayed in place just taking the insults. As Noelle's siblings continued poking fun at Noelle the doors opened and in came Asta with a smile and wearing his blindfold which confused everyone except those who knew about it

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