chapter 13

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Asta looked at the man in a giant chuck of crystal that seemed like he had full control over

Asta:say what's your name?

???:my name is Mars and I'm the one who is going to kill you with my bare hands

Asta:you're not really using your bare hands if you're using armour made of-


Mars slams his giant crystal hand down on Asta looking like he had crushed him Klaus mimosa Noelle and even Yuno were in shock, Mars lifted up lifted up his arm and saw nothing there no body no blood leaving everyone was left confused

Mars:where did he go?

Asta:sheesh, if that were someone else they'd be dead for sure

Everyone looked over to see Asta sitting on Mars's shoulder like as if nothing happened

Mars:how did- no matter I'm still going to kill you

Mars slapped his hand on his shoulder but Asta seemingly teleported on the crystal hands back hand stunning everyone once again

Mars:how is this possible I don't even sence any mana from you

Asta:[smiles] don't worry about it

Mars:[scowls] I'm strong then you so kill you should be easy

Asta:yeah just keep telling yourself that

Using his other hand he tries to flatten Asta but like the last two times Asta moves fast but this time back on the floor next to yuno

Yuno:what are you ganna do?

Asta:[smirks] watch

Asta flicks his finger and instantly the limbs on the crystal armour break off causing Mars to collapse

Klaus and mimosa were left with the mouths wide open they didn't expect for someone with no mana to be able to take out someone they struggled with so easily

Klaus:h-how did... How did he do that

Yuno:his abilities are far beyond our understanding it's best not thing about it or you'll get a headache

Klaus:this is still unbelievable

Mimosa:he's amazing

luck was just as amazed as the other and was excited by how strong Asta was

Luck:woah, that was amazing say how about we have a fight [smiles sadistically]

Asta:[smiles] nah sorry you'll get hurt

Luck just laughs it off, Asta approaches Noelle was just as amazed but tried not to show it

Asta:yo, you impressed? [Smiles]

Noelle:n-no, why would I be, let's just get this over with

Noelle walks over to the giant to the treasure room where yuno, Klaus and mimosa were standing infront off

Klaus:how do we get in there?

Yuno looks over at Asta

Asta:yeah yeah I know

Asta pulls out his grimoire again shocking Klaus and mimosa who haven't seen this part of his abilities, with one swing Asta his sword shattering the giant door


Mimosa:(he really is amazing)

Asta:well let's go in-

Asta sences someone else's presence watching them but not just asta Noelle was able to feel this as well, both Asta and Noelle turned around and to their suprise they see a shadowy figure standing at the tunnel entrance, the other turn around to see nothing there

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