chapter 14

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The next day Noelle had woken up from a very long sleep. She had felt like something was around her face, not knowing what it was she stood up and ran to the bathroom to see what it was. When Noelle walked in she looked at the mirror and saw her whole face was bandages up, Noelle stood there not knowing what to do or say. Noelle was speechless

Noelle:(was this from yesterdays fight, I don't remember anything from yesterday after I was-)

Noelle's thoughts were cut off when she suddenly heard the door handle jiggle

Noelle:(crap did I forget to lock the door)

She wanted to hide but there was no where in the bathroom for her to hide so she just let who ever was walking in enter, Noelle hoped it wasn't any of the boys since she didn't really like any of them just from their Looks. When the door opened she was relieved that it was one of Vanessa one of the girls in her sqaud but even still she wasn't close to the other girls since she was always out practicing her magic or she would be locked inside her room alone so she didn't know what to do in this situation

Vanessa:oh Noelle right? Sorry I didn't know you were in here

Noelle:n-no it's fine, my fault for forgetting to lock the door

Vanessa:oh yeah where are my manners, my name Vanessa enoteca nice to meet you


Noelle looks back at the mirror and touches her bandages

Vanessa:I'm guessing you wanna know what happened?

Noelle:y-yeah do you know?

Vanessa:well only from what Asta and luck told us

Noelle:what did they say?

Vanessa:well luck said you were hit with an attack and you were knocked out he didn't really see anything else but Asta said that you were left with a gash running across your face and had to be bandaged up

Noelle:can...can you unwrap this for me, I wanna see

Vanessa:if thats what you want

Vanessa started to unwrap the bandages and Noelle faced the mirror while keeping her eyes closed. Once Vanessa took of the bandages she saw they were a bit bloodied and when she looked back at Noelle she started to worry not knowing what Noelle would say or do

Vanessa:ok you can open your eyes now

When Noelle open her eyes she was shocked to see a massive scar running across her face

Noelle didn't know what to think but she knew for certain that she wanted to hide it or atleast cover it

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Noelle didn't know what to think but she knew for certain that she wanted to hide it or atleast cover it

Vanessa:Noelle don't freak out it's not that bad

Noelle:[looks at floor] c-could you just help me cover it up

Vanessa:sure, come to my room I have some makeup

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