chapter 2

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[Video not mine]

As Asta was running he looked back to see yuno trying his best to catch up to him and gives him a smile then he speeds up, when yuno makes it out of the forest he runs a bit further when he spots Asta sitting on a rock

Asta:took you long enough

Yuno:shut up

From a distance they hear father oris call for them

Oris:boy's hurry up

Asta:we're coming, come on let's get going

Yuno:hold on let me catch my breath

Asta begins to walk with yuno walking right next to him

Yuno:so are you excited to see get your grimoire?

Asta:[looks up at the sky] if I get one

Yuno:what makes you think you won't get one?

Asta stops in his tracks and looks at yuno

Asta:do you sence any mana in me?

Asta:well then there's your answer

Yuno:but how will you become a magic knight

Asta:nah I gave up on that dream years ago, besides I heard you can't do the entrance exams with out a grimoire.....or magic for that matter

Yuno:[sighs] I guess I'll be entering alone then

When they caught up to them Nash began throwing shoots at Asta

Nash:why'd you bother coming do you really think you'll get a grimoire? You don't even have a magic

Oris:Nash thats no way to talk to your brother

Asta:[smiles] it's fine, honestly I've accepted that I don't have magic I'm just tagging along to see yuno recive his

Sister Lily:well that's very kind of you Asta, and Nash be more respectful

Nash:yeah whatever

Nash walks further ahead and father oris and sister lily run after him

Yuno:how come his words never upset you

Asta:[smiles] because he doenst know the truth, anyways let's catch up


When they reach grimoire tower they wait around for the ceremony to start, after half an hour of waiting drouot the host of the ceremony came out

Drouot:hello everyone and welcome to the grimoire acceptance ceremony, now it's time for the ceremony to begin

As everyone looked around they saw all the grimoires begin to flow and fly out, everyone looked on as they began to fly down into people's hands, and soon a brighter glowing grimoire was seen and it was head directly towards the direction where yuno was standing and as the light died down it was revealed to be a four-leaf grimoire, whispers were heard all around shocked that yuno received a four-leaf but all that stopped whem someome pointed out that Asta didn't receive a grimoire soon mocking a laughter was heard around kissing of yuno but we he looked at Asta he seemed unfazed by the harsh words being said about him

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