chapter 9

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Asta had was sitting on the floor while Noelle sat on Magna's broom watching as Magna struggled to deal with the flaming boars

Magna:you know I could your help here


Asta uses his curse technique to pull all the boars towards each other knocking them all out somewhat impressing Noelle, Magna finishes off the boars with a huge fire ball

Asta:so are we done?

Magna:yeah we just need to head to the village and let them know we finished the job

Asta:then let's go

Asta stands up and offers to help Noelle up but she ignores him and stands up on her own, as they were walking Asta tried to make conversation with Noelle but she just ignored him and eventually she started to get annoyed to the point where she yelled at him


Asta:what did I do?


Magna decided to interfere

Magna:you guys seem like you need to figure something out so I'll leave you two alone

Magna walks further ahead leaving Asta and Noelle alone together

Asta:why are you all mad?

Noelle:because you're annoying and you won't leave me alone amd not only that you go and tell him that I can't control my magic, do you have any idea how embarrassing that is


Noelle:that's what I thought, do me a favor once this mission is done with leave me alone for the rest of the day

Asta didn't want to give up on getting in friendly terms with Noelle but he understood if he pushed his luck with her she'd probably end up hating to the point where she wants nothing to do with him

Asta:fine I'll do as you

Liebe:(that rough buddy)

Asta:(yeah but what can I do?)

For the rest of the walk Asta and Noelle walked side by side in silence which Asta didn't like but he couldn't do anything about it, when the made it the village they saw it was covered in some sort of mist

Noelle:this mist has mana, is the village under attack

Asta:don't know let's find out, you said this mist is made of mana right

Noelle:yeah why?

Asta pulled out his demon slayer sword and swung it at the mist cancelling it and making a path way for them, as they were running Noelle felt them getting closer to source of the mana and as soon as they get closer they were meet with shards of ice headed their way but thankfully Asta was fast enough to pull Noelle close to him so the infinity protected the two of them

Asta:that was close, are you ok?

Noelle:yeah, thanks I guess

Although Noelle was not  happy with being violently pulled she was still thankful that Asta saved her

Asta and Noelle run farther they spot Magna fighting two mages and protecting the village residents

Asta:Noelle stay here I'll take care of this

Noelle:what why?

Asta:because this won't take long

Asta walks towards the fight leaving Noelle to defend the villagers, Asta sees Magna is getting tired and probably running low on mana

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